Hawaii’s Plantation Village

April 26th, 2010 by tinakamo


Today we toured Hawaii’s Plantation Village in Waipahu and saw how some of our kupuna lived when they worked on sugar plantations here in Hawai’i.  What are your thoughts about what you saw?  Were you surprised by anything?  Do you want to find out more about anything you saw or heard about?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 21 Comments »

21 Responses

  1. kalista Says:

    Today we went to the plantation villige.Before we went inside the time tunnel we all saw a suger cane tree.Aunty Brenda told us that our candy,soda,some foods and other sugar things were made of suger cane.I was suprised that Japenese people have big tubs that are full with water and women had one side and men had another side.The kids have to wait there turn until all of the adults are done.They all have to take of there close in public!!!Back then it must of have been ok for them to strip down in public.The woman’s tub was much smaller than the men’s because there were much more men than women.

  2. bailey Says:

    I learned that back then they always used to have wooden toilets and houses.They pee in a pot because they do not go outside. The Filipino’s brang moncala to Hawaii. I learned that they use acheote for lipstick and to write with. They were never wastful. If they had a huge family they had to have a double house. There are also more men then women in the village.

  3. koalii Says:

    I want to find out more about why the mainland wanted our sugar.I was surprised when they had to do there business in a bowl and the kids had to empty it out.Another thing I was suprised
    about was that they had to fit about thirty to fourty men in a
    house to live in and they only had four beds in one house.I thought
    that sugar was always purely white but it came out brown and they had to wash it so much times till it became white.I saw that the mens bath was huge campared to the womens. The kupuna worked really hard when they were young and they didn’t have electrisity.

  4. Keanu Says:

    I wonder how the portuguese people lit up there ovens because they didn’t have any lighters to light up the oven.And they’re good at reusing rice sacks to make pillows.

  5. Pono Says:

    I think some people are scared because when I seen that pot that people could use the bathroom in at night if there were scary stuff. Like huge pigs and spiders. The bathtub was big for boys but for girls it was small because there were little bit girls. I was surprised to here that there was little bit more boys then girls. I want to learn more about the club house where the men ate there food and talked. I want to find out more about the bathtub. If only one person at a time and if they had a time limit. I was surprised when I seen the house that had electricity. That house was big. It had mancala. They used shells to play with. I did not know that the had electricity back then. I was surprised to hear that 30 men lived in one house. There were only 4 rooms. I wanted to try use the pot to pee in.

  6. Hunter Says:

    When we went to the planthe tation villige, we went through the time tunnel, to look at the homes from the past. when we saw the houses, we learned that Koreans, have kimchee pots outside their house. Filipinos, like to play SUNGKA.
    They cook with fruit. Its called PIAS.

  7. Puuwai Says:

    I was suprised when I saw that everything was wood, back then.
    I lerned that people back then was not wastful.
    The palntation village is filled with things that our kupuna’s did. They showed us the toys they had. What they ate or did not eat.
    Back then they only got $3 a month, when they worked for 5 years stright.

  8. Dylan Says:

    I think that today was very fun. I was suprised by haw big the mango trees were.I wonder how all the people found out about all the sugar plantation.Today I learned that the old people used plants as lipstick and face paint.I saw alot of taro in the plantation.I thought that it was kind of cool that they could take care of the old houses.I didn’t know that sugar is brown,but when the people wash the sugar,it becomes white.I think it was kind of cool when the guide said that they could make toys and keep them for free.Today,toys cost money.I wonder how the people got all the mosquito nets.I thought that the old ovens looked like igloos.I wonder why the KIDS had to take care of the potty.Why couldn’t the parents do it.It’s their potty.I wonder how a big famisy could fit on a small bed like how we saw today.

  9. kalani Says:

    I learned that people did their “Business” in an Out house. I wonder why who ever made the out house with two toilets didn`t at lease put a wall for some privacy.

  10. Charlize Says:

    The Portuguese was the frist one to drink coffe and they had a lipstick tree.The Chinese people had a Tsoongyee.To the Japanese cook rice oon Shanto.

  11. Evan Says:

    I noticed that some Chinese and the Japanese people were Christians. I saw the bibles so it made me think they were Christians. They had a outside toilet but at night, they had to use a chamber pot to use the bathroom. The people used rice bags to make beds,curtains,clothes. They shipped the rice from the mainland. Back then,they never had electricity until the 1900’s. I think we are so blessed and lucky because we have machines to make things. Also electricity to keep things moving. Think about it. How the people could not do/have things to make with and how they handle things.

  12. Tara Says:

    One of my first thoughts were “wow, there sure were a lot of plants!”. They grew a lot of their own food like sugar cane, kalo, pias (reminded me of a reallllyyyy sour grape). I was surprised at how much sugar cane there was, it was planted everywhere. It’s so cool that they were resourceful. I wonder why there were hardly any ladies that worked on the plantations. Why did they get paid so little? Only $3 each month for 5 years until they had to return to their home.

  13. Caitlin Says:

    I was shocked the kids had to empty the empty chamber.
    An empty chamber is a big pot that you use the bathroom in. The kids chore is to empty the empty chamber and hide it in dirt and mud. Their sheets,babys beds,pillow cases and curtains are made out of rice bags. I noticed the old fashion oven are made out of mud and stone. Ladies used the lipstick tree to put on lipstick or make up. The Japanese furos are big. You have to pay money to go in the furo. I learned that if you worked on the sugar plantation you only got ten cents a day. This is not a lot of money. Every month they made around three dollars. I want to find out more about Japanese customs and culture.

  14. Kason Says:

    I think that if we didn’t go to the
    Hawaii’s plantation village we wouldn’t know how things were like then and now.I wonder who were the first people to have technology.

  15. keenyn Says:

    I wonder if they eat the lipsick seed. whear did they work on the sugar cane.

  16. Esther Says:

    I think that the people had to pea in the pot and the kids had to dump the pea in the toliet.Thay had to pea in the pot because at night it was scarey so in the morning the kids dumped it out.

  17. Trent Says:

    I learned that the Chinese people had bigger houses than any other culture because they had more children. I wonder if they used to make clothes we wear today, or they had no clothes and just the bottom? (The girls with dresses). I wonder how the plant (I forgot the name) turned into rice? I was very surprised by the stores they went to was very tiny compared to our Target we have now. I wonder if they were kinda bored not watching anything and listening to the radio more better?

  18. Pono Says:

    The portugees brang bread.,.

  19. Pono Says:

    They had to bring ice from California to Hawaii.

  20. Pono Says:

    They had to use that ice to put in a frig made out of stone or mud. It took 12 days to get to Hawaii on a boat. It was wraped in something so it doesn’t melt.

  21. Camille Says:

    I was surprised that the ice on the boat never melted. For twelve days it was solid frozen!!!!!!!!!! It was from CA to HI. (CA=California HI= Hawai’i)

    I want to learn more about Japan and the tofu factory and the bathtub. I’d NEVER, and I mean NNNEEEVVVEEERRR want to pee in an outhouse or chamber pot. 🙁

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