Earth Day Heroes

April 22nd, 2010 by tinakamo


In the special Earth Day issue of Time for Kids we read about young people who have made a “green” difference in their community.  What ideas do you have about how you could make a “green” difference at school, home or in your larger community?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 22 Comments »

22 Responses

  1. Trent Says:

    I think my family can save the “EARTH” by recycling paper magazines, glass cups, and plastic bottles. I also think we can save the “EARTH” by eating most of your food at lunch and not waist any food. Also at home. Also turning off the lights when your not using them. Like in the classroom to.

  2. kalista Says:

    I think that my family could recycle alot of water bottles!You know dads!they all drink alot of water to get strong and handsome!Anyways,I myself could recycle some of my paper.

  3. Camille Says:

    I think that by myself I can save the “earth” 🙂 by recycling newspaper by rolling up a few sheets and crumpling up a couple pieces to make a “bat” and a “ball”. 🙂 Trent, I sort-of agree with you because we have the worm farm. 🙂 But still, we can’t waste too much. 🙁

  4. kalani Says:

    I think my family can recycle plastic cups by washing them after it is used for parties and potlucks.

  5. Hunter Says:

    I agree with Trent to recycle paper magazines, glass cups, and plastic bottels. I think my family and I can save the “EARTH” by recycling all kinds of trash. Like plastic bags, paper, plastic jars, cardboard boxes, trees, all kinds of plants. so we can save the environment!!!!!!!!

  6. Evan Says:

    Saving the Earth from pollution and trash can be a big help for saving the Earth. Even young adults and kids can do it too. The three ways are:Reduce[trash or plastic and glass items], Reuse[Use an old item again and again] and Recycle[Making any kind item into a new form]. I would like to recycle so I could create a box into a boat or cardboard into a board to slide on the grass. We can save the Earth in many different ways!

  7. Camille Says:

    I think we can also make a difference by using CFC light bulbs, planting a garden, and using the three “R’s”: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

    For me, it’s actually pretty sad to see the earth being covered up by— GARBAGE!

    And for arts and crafts, we can recycle by using scraps of no- good ribbon and pieces of old fabric and wrapping paper to make a collage. We can also use tissue paper and wet it to make a tissue paper painting.

    i think we can make like a little project to save the earth by having little sales or something and use the money we make to buy seeds and plant them. We can may be call it project SAVE (Save All Vanishing Earth!) If we can work this project out, we can make a difference in the WORLD!

  8. Keanu Says:

    i think we can all save the world if we Reduce,Reuse,and Recycle.I have alot of plastic bottels and newspaper that I can Reduce,Reuse,and Recycle.That way,the world would be cleaner and healthier.

  9. bailey Says:

    I learned that you can change the wrold no matter whatis your size or what shape you are. like the one who saved the mantee or the the other one that made there own reusable bag. If they can do it we can do it so lets chang the wrold!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. bailey Says:

    but don’t put litter all over the place.

  11. Puuwai Says:

    I think myself, my family and classmates can make a big difference by “thinking” green. This means we have to change the way people think and teach them to “recycle”. Picking up plastic bottles and cans and placing them into recycle bins. Because I live close to the beach, recycling is so important! If we don’t clean the beaches and recycle, the sea animals could be in great danger. Actually recycling not only saves the earth but makes the earth a cleaner and better place to live!

  12. Puuwai Says:

    I forgot, we need to use more paper bags…just like my mom and grandma used to do. Grocery stores should pass out paper bags instead of plastic bags. Plastic bags is not “thinking” green:-)

  13. koalii Says:

    when we go shoping we bring our own reuseable bags to put our things in.We recycle newspaper and use old paper for scrach paper so we just don’t throw it away.We actally use it cause if we dont it will just go to landfills.Another waay to saave the earth is if you dont litter
    because it might hurt a animal
    or maybe kill the animal.My famaly and me are doing the best we can to save the earth.

  14. Pono Says:

    When we drink a can or a bottle we can recycle the cans and bottles. When we are done reading the news paper. At school we can use the paper that are not empty to write on.

  15. Hunter Says:

    I really agree with you Camille,
    because we do still have the worm farm!!!!!!!! 🙂 (:

  16. Dylan Says:

    I think that we all can save the earth if we all help to do something and make it change. If we put more things in compost piles. the it could be like ferdiliser for the plants. I have alot of plants in my yard. I could use alot of compost things in my yard. I wonder how newspaper makes the smell from trash go away?

  17. Caitlin Says:

    I can help my community by donating my old clothes, toys, shoes, and other stuff to charity. This is an example of reuse. Other people will be able to reuse my things over and over again instead of just throwing it away into landfill space. The landfill space is getting tiny. Then the governor would have to ship the rubbish to the mainland. By donating my stuff I’m taking care of the environment and helping people and animals.

  18. keenyn Says:

    Me and my family can recycle more cans.And at class when we are not useing the light we can turn it off. And when i go to the beach if we see rubish we can pick it up. And in the neighborhood when you see rubbish on the streets pick it up. My familey is going to do a project on try to recycle cause when you throw away it goes to the landfill and it is going to take up all of the space and then it is going to get shiped to the big iland and it might go in the ocen and kill the animalse.

  19. Tara Says:

    I can make a conection to this. My brother had a school project where you had to sign a paper that made you promise to turn a light off when you leave the room. Our whole family signed it.:-).Last week we turned off all the lights for an hour we played tag. At school I was thinking I could make a big bucket at home that had the recycle sign and instead of the rubish going to the landfills we can send it to the recycle company.

  20. Esther Says:

    I can save the erth by rececl stuf like newspaper, cans, plastik bottels.

  21. Kason Says:

    In my neighborhood there are blue recycle bins for bottles and cans and green ones for green waste. In my home we always turn off all lights when not in use. We are also starting to unplug all power strips at bedtime and when we leave the house. We also hang a lot of our clothes instead of drying them to save energy. I think that people could limit their use of trees by blogging all work instead of writing it.:)

  22. Charlize Says:

    I can help the earth by recycling and pick-up trash that’s on the ground. When I went to my new house I told my mom and dad let’s recycle.

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