Nature Hike

February 1st, 2010 by tinakamo


Today we were fortunate to have John Stokes, his family, and Brother Noland lead us on a short hike through our upper campus trails.  Why do you think it was important that we experience this hike?  What did you learn that you think you will be able to use in the future?  Please explain.

Posted in General Discussion, Science, Social Studies | 23 Comments »

23 Responses

  1. Kason Says:

    I think if we did’t go to experience the world we would not know how important plants and leaf’s are in not only our live’s but in the animals lives to. I like the stretches that John Stokes taught us like the Deer. I like the little insects that live in the woods like maggots and all kinds of different insects even centipedes.

  2. kalista Says:

    Today we went on a hike with John Stokes and Brother Noland.I learned that you should not pick leaves from other trees unless its for a good reason.

  3. Hunter Says:

    When we went on a short hike through the uper campus trails, along with John Stokes, John Stokes’s family, and Brother Noland, we learned that a plant named lokahi, can help you with insect bits.

  4. Pono Says:

    I realy liked the hike I learned that there is a plant that heals your headake. There are lots of bugs. I seen a sentapeed.

  5. Trent Says:

    I learned that you should always say thank you to the plants because you’re taking leafs from the plants body. I also learned that when you have a mosketo bite, you can eat this type of leaf and it is so powerful that it can stop the sting.

  6. Camille Says:

    Man, that was so fun! I wonder what the purpose was for us going up there……

  7. Camille Says:

    Pono, I REALLY agree about the part where there was the plant that heals your headache and bug bites. And about the orangish-bluish centipede. I also saw a really big dead one too when we were coming down. It was about this big!_______________________________________________________!!!!

  8. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:


    What can you infer about the purpose? HINT: Why do you think it was important?

  9. Charlize Says:

    When I smell the leaves it smells good. I learned some plants are for medicine. You walk slow so you can see animals. Today I saw a millpede.

  10. Noelani Says:

    Today when we went to hike with John stokes and brother Noland I learned that there is this plant or leaf that you get and you chew on it and then you take it out and it becomes REALLY soft and then you can rub or scrub it on you so the Mosquito does not bite. Also another thing is you could make a cup around your ears and and listen from far places and you could also hear people and what there saying and what I liked about that is someone may be talking about you and you can hear what they said.

  11. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:


    Do you remember the name of the tree with the leaves that “smell good?”

  12. bailey Says:

    We went with John Stokes and Brother Nolan and room 14 on a hiking field trip on Kapalama. John Stokes showed us a leaf that can heal you. I saw a real live centipede. Up there in the forest there are a lot of bugs. Man,the field trip was tiring coming back to the site. I was very itchy from the bugs. I am scratching just thinking about it. The field trip brought me closer to nature and its creatures.

  13. koalii Says:

    Today we went on a hike to upper
    campus.We thanked everything in nature first then we did some streches by a tree.After that we went on a hike. We learned about some plants like the driftwood plant has pokey leaves and pine cones comes out of it and lokahi has dark green side and a light green side. When you go hiking you have to be quiet because the animals can hear you. When we came back down the hike John Stokes had a special treat for us. He had a straw and a cup of water then he blowed the straw in to the cup of water for a long time because you have to breath through your nose and out through your mouth.I learned that when you eat lokahi
    and you have a bite it will go away.I learned that if you have a headacke and you put a lakaieie leaf on your fourhead then your headacke will go away. I learned that when you pick anything from nature it has to be for a good reason.

  14. Caitlin Says:

    We went on the hike so we could learn how to treat nature. For example some leaves (Ieto?)from trees can be used as medicine. What I learned today will help me in the future by using the Ieto leaf to help heal bites and stings.

  15. Puuwai Says:

    I think the hike was important because we need to connect with nature and understand it. It was so amazing to learn that we can get healed by using different hawaiian native plants as medicine. We learned how to listen to the forest by using my “deer ears”… how funny is that! I think that all the plants I saw today and learned that these plants can help heal us but if we don’t take care of them, we may not have them in the future! Koalii, you explained today perfectly.

  16. Esther Says:

    I think this hike was importent becase if you livd in the woods and you had a headac you can ues a certen leaf and put it on your forhed. And I learnd you can eat a certen leaf and put it on a sting or a masqueto bite.I like the hike becase I got to learn more stuf.

  17. Dylan Says:

    Today was awesome!I learned a couple of things today.I think that when John Stokes did the circular breathing,I could never do that.

  18. Tara Says:

    I thought it was cool because the hike taught us that nature is out there and it needs us like we need it.I was stalking the whole way. There were different kinds of leaves:poky leaves, good smelling leaves and one that cures headaches. I also learned that if you lick a leaf it gives you dew from the rain. I learned if you take a few seconds to listen to the earth you can see what jobs the animals have and I think it is so cool how people imitate the birds in a good way. I should make a rule book: #1 only pick plants of its home if you have a good reason.

  19. kalani Says:

    I think what John Stokes taught us was really useful because like the listening technique we can use to listen to people/instructions if we’re far away from them and the “Walking Quiet” technique we can use in an office building.

  20. Camille Says:

    woooooooooooooooowwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How awsome can that trip get!!!

  21. Evan Says:

    When we went hiking with John Stokes and brother Noland upper campus, he said that if we be quiet, we could hear nature. We didn’t get to see any animals appear except for one. When we were walking, we saw this giant centipeed before we got on trail. So far we went high up the trail. The most important part is that if you hear nature that means it is talking to us. They could tell us to be aware of the things around us.They also could be singing to us. Birds tweeting, leaves rustling and the leaves crunhing against our feet. I think nature is cool because the sounds they make and what they sing.

  22. Keanu Says:

    When we went hiking up campus with Brother Noland,John Stokes,and John Stoke’s family,we had lots of fun.John Stokes taught us how to do side-ward looking and how to hear like a deer and do echolocation.I like doing Deer ears.

  23. Puuwai Says:

    I thank god for creating everything good for us to enjoy. He created the plants so they can heal us and when we’re hungry we can have food. So we have to be good to the plants and take care of the land.

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