An Illustrator’s Visit

January 19th, 2010 by tinakamo


Wow!  What a wonderful visit we had with Robin Racoma today.  Share your thoughts about her presentation.  What did you learn that you think is important to remember?  Were you left with any wonderings?

Posted in General Discussion, Literature Discussions | 23 Comments »

23 Responses

  1. Kalista Says:

    I think that ROBIN RACOMA is soooo COOL!I would love to be an artist.I love to draw!!!!!

  2. Evan Says:

    I learned that when she wrote her books,she starts with just one color. That color is light blue. She wrote her first book in 2nd grade. I think we learned a lot from Robin Racoma because she told us a lot about her being an Illustrator. What was important to me to remember was when she showed her work. I liked her work too. I liked her work because she draws nice and neat.

  3. Pu'uwai Says:

    I learned about, she using only one color to start off with.She wrote her first book in 2nd grade. The most important part, to me is when she told us that she wrote 300 pictures for the hawaiian dictionary. We learned a bunch of stuff from Robin Racoma because she told us a LOT about being a illustrator. I notice that she makes a lot of Maui books like:How Maui slowed the sun, Maui Goes Fishing, And The Brids Appeared, Maui and the seceret of Fire.

  4. koalii Says:

    I learned that Robin Rocoma always starts her drawing with one color. I learned it takes 4 years to print a book and it takes about 250 hours to make a page with writeing and drawing on it. I wonder how long did it take to draw 350 pictures for the hawaiian dictionary? She always starts her drawing with pencil and then draws the picture in with color pencil so she can erase. I have a connection because Janell Cannon uses color pencils to.

  5. Pono Says:

    I like how she draws the Maui books.she drew in a lot of books.the books I like are the seceret of fire, Maui goes Fishing and How Maui slowed the sun.

  6. Noelani Says:

    I think that Robin Racoma Burmingham is really cool because when she shared all of her Maui books and some other books she said that all of her pictures she made came from photos and pictures because shared that she made a book of her younger or youngest daughter and pictures of her daughter and she probably got her pictures from her photos JUST like she said.Also Robin Racoma you are soooooo interisting to learn ALL about and all of youre illistrations!!!!!!!!


  7. Camille Says:

    Koali’i, I think that’s 350 hours. 🙂

    Woah. In 2nd grade,Robin Rocoma drew even better than me!

    I think she draws so GOOD I thought it was just a computer that did it or not even colored pencil! It totally faked me out.
    I think it should take 350 hours to do ONLY 1 drawing because the pictures/illustrations are sooooooooooo ggggggooooddddd.Janell Cannon uses colored pencil to do her pictures,too.

    I think we are sssssooooo lucky to have Robin Rocoma only tell second grade because she is ssoooosssooossssooo talented.

  8. Camille Says:

    🙂 !ROBIN ROCOMA! 🙂

  9. Camille Says:


  10. Camille Says:

    add on: I am sort of sad 🙁 because she is soo good and never got to teach the other grades.

  11. Charlize Says:

    I like how she draws I want to draw like her.Its cool she made the book Maui goes fishing.

  12. bailey Says:

    She illustrated 350 pictures in the Hawaiian dictionary. She drew Maui and the Secret Of Fire, When The Birds Appeared, How Maui Slowed The Sun, and Maui Goes Fishing. I liked the book called Maui Goes Fishing. She drew her first book when she was in second grade. She was born in Japan just like Mrs. Nakamoto.

  13. Trent Says:

    I learned that Robin Rocoma draws a page for 250 hours! I also learned that she always starts her drawing with one color and she wrote her first book in 2nd grade. She was 2 years old when she wrote her first book. I wonder how long she takes to write a whole book?

  14. Caitlin Says:

    I noticed that she used color pencils just like Janell Cannon.
    I wonder if she ever did illustrations for other books besides Hawaiian and medical books? I learned that she won a first place prize for a book
    that she wrote in second grade. I think that is fantastic!

  15. keenyn Says:

    i think that rodin racoma is good at drawing

  16. Esther Says:

    It was amazing that the last book that Robin yoko Racma made took her 4 yers. I think that her being a illustrater is a part of her identidy becuse she loves to illustrate books and draw pitcers becuse she likes to use her colored pencil.She also likes to use colord pencil becuse it comes out good and it stil can eras good.

  17. Keanu Says:

    I like her latest book,Lakau’ie’ie.It talks about a woman and her husband who shared many things to people and makes a lot of friends each day but the only thing she wishes to have a child.Then one night,the woman dreamed about another woman.She was one of the gods.She spoke to the woman who was dreaming and she said “you will have a baby.Go to where the river meets the ocean.There you will see the baby, but you may only look at the baby,you may not touch the baby.Wait until thirty days have past.Then you may touch the baby.I’m giving my baby to you”.It took Robin Recoma 4 years and 250 – 300 hours long for the book to get published.

  18. Hunter Says:

    I think Robin Racoma’s illustrations are cool becaues she does her illustrations by hand.
    I would love to be an artitst like Robin Racoma when I grow up.

  19. Dylan Says:

    I think that Robin Racoma is good at drawing and writing.In the book “Lau ka`ie`ie” the drawings are really nice.She is very good.

  20. kalani Says:

    I leared that it takes 9 steps to illustate a book. Step 1,Sign a contract that your going to illustrate the book. Step 2,Read the authors story. Step 3, Do a thumbnail skecth.Step 4, Do a rough pencil sketch. Step 5, Color the pictures in layers. Step 5, Revise your book with the author. Step 6, Color your picture and I forgot the rest.

  21. Tara Says:

    I thought it was pretty cool.I liked when Robin Racoma told us that she uses computer technoligy to sometimes paint her pictures.

  22. Kason Says:

    I learned that a lot of authors use color pencil to make the drawing nicely and neatly.

  23. Pono Says:

    I like how Robin Rokoma draws she draws so nice.

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