Changing Identities

January 12th, 2010 by tinakamo


Today we talked about how identity can change.  What factors can change identity?  Please share any examples of how your identity has changed and why that change occured.

Posted in General Discussion | 21 Comments »

21 Responses

  1. Camille Says:

    If a really important family member passed away it COULD change someone’s identity. Like friends could too.

  2. Camille Says:

    And if you’re not interested in something anymore.

  3. kalani Says:

    One way that your Identity can change is if you don’t have access to something. For example, like I said before I had no siblings, I could play with all the lego I wanted but when my brother and sister were born I had to put my lego away but then I got it back.

  4. Trent Says:

    One way your Identity can change is yourself. Like if you have a heart attack your Identity can change. You can’t do things that you could do before and if your mom or dad passed away your Identity can change. You can’t do things with your family like ride bike with your dad or you can’t do things with your mom like going out to dinner or going shopping with her.

  5. Noelani Says:

    I think your Identity can change when your mom gives birth and you have to put away your favioret toys because you probly don’t want your small siblings to take them and eat it and choke. Also your identity changes when a dog or pet moves in and your favoiret toy is stuffed Animals and when you have to put them away because your dog might get it just like my dog.Also when you move to a different house because your not used to your new house until you stay there for a longer time and then you get used to that house and maybe like that house better.

  6. bailey Says:

    I changed over the christmas break. I got into legos bacause I like to build and my dad used to build houses two years ago. I like to play electric guitar because Justin Bieber plays guitar, and he is awesome and my sister thinks so too.

  7. koalii Says:

    I think changing indentities means that your intrests changes like I used to like the nintendo ds now I like Wii. Another example is I was playing football now I like to play basketball. Even when you are younger and you want to be something and when you get older you want to be something else. Like I wanted to be a judge now I want to be a NFL football player. Even when you get older and then you look different or when you cut your hair or you used to be skinny and now your fat.

  8. Evan Says:

    If you have an identity that you hold on to for a long time,it could still change. It can change by looking at other things and once you see it,you might get interested in it. I used to like soccer because it was one of my favorite sports but now,I rather play tennis or football(when I’m older). Toys that are part of your identity can change too because of your age or not interested in it anymore.

  9. Esther Says:

    It is like when your a littl baby and you love to wach Hana Montana .Then when you get older you might change your mind.

  10. Caitlin Says:

    1. I’m getting older
    2. New inventions
    3. New technology
    4. Family changes

    My Identity has changed by the new toys that’s getting invented because my interests have change. For example, I used to play with Barbies but now I play with my Littlest Pet Shop. Before I used to play with my D.S but now I play with my IPOD Touch.

  11. Kalista Says:

    Identity’s change because people’s age change and their interests change.

  12. Keanu Says:

    One way of changing your identity is like when you love something that you just don’t want to let go of and then you get interested in something else. For example, I used to like Pokemon when I was younger. Now, I like Bakugan. Yeah!

  13. Hunter Says:

    I think Changing Identitis mean to change your life, if you don’t have access to something or someone. What I mean buy not having access to someone, is if they move or if they don’t have access to their cell phone.

  14. Dylan Says:

    My identity changed because I am older and because I don`t have any acsess to it any more.Or if you are an older brother.For example.I did not like books when I was three but now I love reading.I`m on EAGLE in the five ancestors.Yay!

  15. keenyn Says:

    well one way your identity can change is when like if you wach barney and then you don’t really like it any more becuse you are grown up all ready. like my friend liked barbie and then she liked brats and then hight school music. so your time line changes.

  16. Puuwai Says:

    I was the only child. My identity changed when my brothers were born. I was the only child my mom had, the other grandchild my grams and papa had until my siblings and cousin came along. It changed very quickly because I was only 14 months old when my brother Cayd was born. I became the oldest child but still the only sister. So being the only girl had not changed yet.

  17. Charlize Says:

    When I turned six I started to love singing with my favorite songs cd. Now I have a passion for singing.

  18. Tara Says:

    Identity can change if you get interested in a different hobbie or your passion changes. It also change if you join something and you start to feal something more than what you felt in something else.

  19. kason Says:

    my Identity changed because like at class we use to like barney but now we don,t like it.

  20. Pono Says:

    I think when you change identites means that your identity changed.

  21. Caitlin Says:

    I think Identities change because as people get older they get
    intrested in diffrent things.

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