Jump For Heart Update#2

photo 3 DSC00829blogHip, Hip, Horray!  All the prizes and awards have been given!  It has been a very successful campaign this year, thank to all of your hard work and generosity.  A huge mahalo to all the families who have practiced kahiau and continue to support our community.

This article is dedicated to those students who went over and beyond to fundraise for a great cause.  We raised a total of $11, 197.00+!  That is tremendous for our little school.  We had at least 40+ students who raised $100.00 +!  What a great effort by all!  And we learned some jump rope skills along the way.  Mahalo nui to the teachers for helping me keep track, parents who helped me bag prizes and to all who help me       to make it happen.

Until next year, keep on jumping!

Mahalo piha,

Mrs. Lee

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