Swimming at Naeʻole Pool

Flutter Kick! Blow Bubbles! Breathe! Could be heard at Nae’ole Pool for the whole month of September.  Grades three, four and five got wet for P.E. learning specific swim skills from the Red Cross Leveled Swimming Curriculum.  The weather cooperated for the most part with sunny skies and a warm pool.  This year we had lots of kokua from our Health Nurse (Mrs. Julie Riveira), our E.A.’s (Mrs. Leialoha and Mrs. Isabel), Nae’ole Pool Lifeguards and the awesome teachers. All this afforded the students excellent sessions of skills and water safety practice.  Thank you to all the parents for helping your child remember to bring their swim clothes and for bringing them even when they forgot.

All the students showed improvement and have an awareness of survival skills they can use when in trouble in the water.  This year fifth grade worked on skills using a personal flotation device or PFD. Ask them to share some of the strategies with you.  But all good things must come to an end and so the last day of swimming was on September 30th.  Your child will be swimming each year for P.E., as we work toward the swim expectation goals of each grade level, K-12.  Please encourage your child to practice their skills and to take extra swim lessons when ever possible.  Doing this will ensure your child’s success in our KS program as well as ensure his/her safety and survival in water environments.

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