Aloha Mai Kākou!

It’s great to be back to school this week and to see how everyone has grown.  I am also happy to meet all our new kindergarteners’ and new additions in the other grade levels.  Welcome to you and your parents to Kula Ha’aha’a.  Hope you all had an active but safe summer.  P.E. and Health will be kicked off this year with Fitness Testing for all grades.  Taking your height and weight, curl-ups, push-ups and the other tests will be done this week.

*FYI Grades three (3) to five (5) will be swimming at Nae’ole Pool beginning on August 22nd-September 30th.  A schedule of all the swim dates for each class will be posted on my blog and a copy sent home with your child.  This is a graded unit for grades 3-5 and full participation is encouraged.

I’m looking forward to a great school year and teaching and learning with your keiki. Mahalo for your support and looking forward to seeing you at Open House.

Me ka ‘oia’i’o,

Mrs. Lee


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