P.E. Notes

Encourage your child to exercise regularly in any way possible.

Give them opportunities to engage  in structured and unstructured activities, exercise and play.

A child/adult who is active will:

  • Have stronger muscles and bones
  • Have a leaner body because exercise helps to control body fat
  • Be less likely to become overweight
  • Decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
  • Possibly lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels
  • Have a better outlook on life

In addition, children who are physically fit sleep better and are able to handle both the physical and emotional challenges that a typical day presents; be it running to catch a bus, bending down to tie a shoe or studying for a test.

Exercise and physical activity can provide your child and family with many health benefits.  Along with the proper diet, it can provide your family with all the positive physical, mental/emotional and social advantages that lead to a long and healthy life.

Keep your family active!

Tammy Lee

P.E./Health Resource

Ph.   (808) 982-0272

Email: talee@ksbe.edu



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