Swimming Unit Pau

Aloha all,
The swimming unit is completed and I can say it was very successful. This year we focused on basic swim strokes and survival skills. We also learned about safety around any body of water.
Many of the students have improved in their basic skills and some have improved within the four sessions. I encourage all parents to arrange to have your child take formal swim lessons at some point during each year. The swim unit is a integral part of our school’s curriculum at all divisions. Your child will be swimming now and throughout his/her time at KS-Hawai’i. Let’s make them all successful.
I would like to thank all of you for your support in making this happen, parents, teachers, administration, the pool crew, our gracious E.A.’s, Mai, and especially my right hand-Julie Riveira. Without your support of the curriculum, the student and our mission this opportunity would not happen.

Mahalo piha,

Mrs. Lee P.E./Health

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