It’s Fire Prevention Week!

Do you know how much time you have to get out of a house on fire?

I thought it was at least six to eight minutes, but unfortunately it is often less. That’s why it’s so important to be prepared and to have a family fire escape plan and to practice.

This week is Fire Prevention Week across our nation. This year’s theme is “Have 2 Ways Out”. Your keiki have been given their Fire Safety Booklets to do as well as remind you how important it is to review all the tips, suggestions and preparations necessary to stay safe in a fire. This is the perfect opportunity to review, create and plan a family fire escape plan and to practice it with your family. It enables you to make sure it is still current for your situation. It’s also a great time to discauus ways your child can be safe around items that can start a fire.

The Fire Safety Books are to be completed, signed by a parent and turned in promptly so the tally sheet can be turned in on time in order for your child to receive their incentive coupons.
The due dates for the Fire Safety Booklets for grades three through five are as follows:
Grade 5- October 17
Grade 4- October 22
Grade 3- October 18

We are working together in class to do the Fire Safety Booklets with grades kindergarten through two. they will be sent home this week and need to be returned by the dates as follows:

Grade 2- October 17
Grade 1- October 18
Grade K- October 19

For more information about Fire Prevention and Fire Safety, check out these links:

Stay Safe,

Mrs. Lee

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