Jump For Heart Update

Lele kākou!

Lele kākou!

Aloha mai kākou,

I just wanted to update you on a few things regarding our Jump For Heart in February:

– Our grand total this year is $11,197.00   That is remarkable!  Great job to everyone.

– Due to a glitch or a mistake in the ordering, a small amount of students did not get all their prizes.  These prizes will be coming soon.

– I want to send out a special mahalo to Mrs. Apigo (Gr. 2 parent) and Kanoe Awong (Gr. K parent)  who donated their time and hard work helping with the bagging of all the prizes.  I don’t know what I would do without you.  Mahalo nui

I am so proud of our small school because it always practices kahiau and we always show this in a big way.  Mahalo to all of you, your ʻohana and your communities for giving so generously to the American Heart Association.

Again mahalo piha,

Mrs. Lee

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