Open House this Thursday @ 5:30

Aloha families,

This is a friendly reminder (in addition to the many others that you folks have gotten from school) that Open House will be this Thursday night at 5:30 beginning in our dining hall.  I want to encourage everyone to come and visit.  This is a great opportunity to build pilina with both you folks and I as we journey on road for the success of your keiki.  I want to ask that you bring your questions, thoughts and ideas with you as we will have time to address them in our classroom.  Kumu Littrell and I will be sharing our overview for the year as well as our hopes and dreams for your keiki.  I look forward to seeing, meeting and creating a great relationship with everyone.

Me ke aloha pumehana,

Kumu Kaleo

Busy Week in Papa 1

Itʻs been a busy week for us in Papa 1.  We have been learning about Inferencing in our Reading Groups.  Weʻve had an opportunity to explore our “new” laptops in our classroom,understanding the components that create and make-up a complete sentence, Math Investigations, Bedtime Math, Math In Focus, Guidance with Mrs. Kaneakua, understanding the wahi pana of our island through special places, hula and mele;  and on top of all that……..truly understanding the importance of  “Aloha kekahi i kekahi”.  Have a great weekend my keiki.  I will see you folks on Monday.  Oh, and don’t forget, we have Bus Evacuation Drill (Jeans Day) on Tuesday.

Aloha,  Kumu Kaleo

Introducing Bedtime Math


Bedtime Math is NOT a curriculum that we use, rather, a simple website that fosters daily math in hopes to be part of our daily routine.  Although called “Bedtime” math, we will use this engaging and fun way of practicing math to explore, differentiate, and simply have fun with at school.  I encourage families to go and check out the website and try it at home.  Just as we promote reading nightly, try sticking in Bedtime Math as part of your bedtime routine.  You can find this at:


Welcome to Papa 1

Welcome to Kumu Kaleoʻs Papa 1 Blog. Here you will find information and updates about our class and grade. Our first day of school was awesome! I went home tired and even fell asleep very earlier (unusual).  I know that some of our keiki were falling asleep in Art class according to Mrs. Rosehill.  We have definitely began our school year with a great start.  I anticipate an exciting year of learning, loving, and sharing of aloha.


Education is always evolving.  One of the newest trends at school is the use of an app/program called Edmodo.  Have you heard of it?  I have introduced your keiki to this and they have already, created accounts and have tried a few simple activities, assignments, and tests/quizzes.  With the recent addition of incorporating the parent piece which is also a part of Edmodo, I’ve decided to begin a trial period of Edmodo homework this week.

Here’s what to expect……..

1. Monday night 3/11 : copy spelling into Edmodo three times each
2. Tuesday night 3/12 : type 7 sentences using capitals, periods and correct spelling in Edmodo
3. Wednesday night 3/13 : ABC order in Edmodo
4. Thursday night 3/14 : take poll in Edmodo and study for quiz
5. Friday in school : take spelling test on Edmodo

Successful Student-led Conferences

Mahalo nui to our entire papa 1 for contributing to our successful trimester two student-led conferences.  It was nice to see our keiki able to explain what they have been busy doing all trimester. I enjoyed having conversations with ‘Ohana. We are off to a strong start in the last trimester and I look forward to growing and learning with your Keiki.

Kumu Kaleo