Freshman Forum 2

According to Psalm 119:9 (NIV),

“How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to [God’s] word.”

However in this day and age, is it realistically possible?  If so, how?

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15 thoughts on “Freshman Forum 2

  1. Kawika Lesa

    I believe that you can stay true in today’s world, You can easily hang out with people that always bring out the best in you or you can avoid decisions that are obviously bad choices.

  2. edward Hudcovic

    Yes, I definitely think it is possible to stay sure in todays world you just have to be around people that make you the best person and have full faith in God.

  3. Keani Pahia

    In our society today, it could go both ways with people sustaining to be pure. Personally, a lot of people in our generation are not as strong compared to how people were back then, making it harder for them to make the better choice. I believe most individuals have a harder time doing whatʻs right because of the many challenges they have to face.

  4. Kolea Suehiro

    I disagree that one can stay consistently pure in today society. The influence of our friends and family overpowers our decisions whether they are right or wrong. I believe this because the challenges we face today, are much greater then the challenges people faced before. One simply doesnʻt have the power to be pure throughout their whole life. However, following the word of god will put you on the right path.

  5. Kuualoha Bailey

    I don’t think that it is possible to stay pure in today’s world. Even if you stand your ground, stick to your morals, and even if we have God to be our foundation it isn’t possible, because the society has changed a lot of people. There are new things and to make it harder and harder for us to stay pure. But I do believe that living according to God’s word will make you pure because that is how God believes you should live.

  6. Alexa-Rhivers Villa

    I strongly agree that is possible to stay pure in our world. If you keep following in Godʻs path and word you will be fine and have a good life. When you follow God, it gives you obstacles in life to lead you to him.

  7. Rachel Kaulupali

    Yes I think it is possible to stay pure and on the path. Even though times have changed and society shows a different message if you stick to your morals and listen to God’s word you are able to do so. You should just go to church and pray to try and maintain a good relationship with him.

  8. Lily Higashino

    Yes, I feel that it is realistic to stay on the path of purity even in today’s world. If we just live according to God’s word, then everything in our lives should be alright. Although we might fall off track someetimes, God is always there to get us going in the right direction again.

  9. Sean Segundo

    I believe it isn’t as realistic as it was when this verse was made in the Bible. The world has created corrupted objects that makes our minds impure. And by the Word of God, one person follows doesn’t mean they won’t lose track of their goal in life and their thoughts in God. But trust is what you need in God, not living by his Word will keep you in purity.

  10. Tiana Guerrero

    Yes, I think that it is realisic even now because you have the ability to choose what path you want to take. You can either stay pure and follow the path of God, or you can take the other path and turn away from God. But, even if you turn away from God he will never lose faith in you and you’ll some how find your way back to him. God is “Mighty to Save”.

  11. Macy Tancayo

    It is possible to stay pure while living by God’s word, because with Him all things are possible. But God left the choice up to us to either follow His teachings or to do our own thing and somewhere along the line disobey Him. If you keep a strong heart for God and aren’t ever gonna part from His teachings, then your heart should be safely protected. In which you will not be tempted to follow the ways of the world and become impure. Also, you must stay grounded in God’s word and pray to keep a good relationship with Him.

  12. Sarah Holter

    Yes, it is very realistic for a young person to stay pure now a days. If you trust strongly in God and his plan and choose to follow his plan staying pure is possible. With God as your guide anything is possible as long as we stay true to him.

  13. Malia Molina

    Yes, I do think it is realistic to stay true to God’s word in today’s world. Although God puts us through challenges that can be hard to conquer, we must have trust and faith in Him that he will lead us through his plan. These challenges make us into better people and by believing that he knows all we are able to choose the right.

  14. Kamalei Castillo

    Yes, i feel it is a very realistic. We all have the power to choose our choices we make. If our relationship with God is solid our choosing from right and wrong will be plain and clear. We all have the un-pure things sorrounding us at times that make it seem impossible. We just must always remember to have faith in God.

  15. Olivia Iaea

    Yes, i defenitly think it is possible to stay pure even in today’s world. If you stand your ground and stick to your morals you will be fine. God provides a strong foundation and leadership to those who are open to it, you just have to be willing to recieve.


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