Nui ke aloha o Pauahi i Ke Akua, kona po‘e Hawai‘i, ka ‘imi na‘auao ‘ana a me ka mālama ‘ana i nā mea pono o kona lāhui.
Great was Pauahi’s love for God
and the Hawaiian people, whom she served…
…consequently, “Kamehameha Schools is grounded
in the Christian and Hawaiian values embraced by Ke Ali’i Pauahi”.
(KS Values Statement) Strategic Plan p. 18 / (KS Vision and Mission)
The Kamehameha Schools Christian Education program introduces our keiki to the God whom our founder loved, and equips and encourages our haumāna to grow in their Christian faith.
Me ke aloha o Ke Akua
Kamehameha Schools Christian Education – Content Standards