Pō’alua, 25 ‘Okakopa 16

Industrialization (1865-1901):  Railroads

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Economic systems shape relationships in society.

Essential Question:  How did the United States become an industrialized society after the Civil War?

—various resources that enabled the United States to industrialize quickly.
—new technologies invented during this era and their inventors.
—how the spread of railroads changed the nation.
—leading railroad industrialists and evaluate their accomplishments.
—rise of large-scale businesses and their different forms of organization.
—key industrialists and financiers and what their role was in shaping the nationʻs economy.
—changes in retail and the emergence of the advertising industry in the late nineteenth century.
—how industrialization changed working conditions in the United States.
—the rise of organized labor and the reasons it failed to achieve its major goals.

…Time, Continuity and Change (#6, 7)
…People, Places and Environments (#1, 4)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#2)
…Production, Distribution and Consumption (#4, 6, 8)
…Science, Technology and Society (#1, 4, 6)
…Global Connections (#6)

–View video clip Episode 5:  The Grandest Enterprise
–Complete Discussion Qʻs & share out
–Annotation activity on The Homestead Act & The Pacific Railway Act
–Complete Discussion Qʻs & share out

Homework:  Complete The Homestead Act Discussion Qʻs via Google Classroom.


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Pōʻakahi, 24 ʻOkakopa 16

Industrialization (1865-1901):  Railroads

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Economic systems shape relationships in society.

Essential Question:  How did the United States become an industrialized society after the Civil War?

—various resources that enabled the United States to industrialize quickly.
—new technologies invented during this era and their inventors.
—how the spread of railroads changed the nation.
—leading railroad industrialists and evaluate their accomplishments.
—rise of large-scale businesses and their different forms of organization.
—key industrialists and financiers and what their role was in shaping the nationʻs economy.
—changes in retail and the emergence of the advertising industry in the late nineteenth century.
—how industrialization changed working conditions in the United States.
—the rise of organized labor and the reasons it failed to achieve its major goals.

…Time, Continuity and Change (#6, 7)
…People, Places and Environments (#1, 4)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#2)
…Production, Distribution and Consumption (#4, 6, 8)
…Science, Technology and Society (#1, 4, 6)
…Global Connections (#6)

—Complete Newsela Assignment and Quiz

–Independent reading pp. 290-293


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Pōʻalima, 21 ʻOkakopa 16

Industrialization (1865-1901):  The Rise of Industry

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Economic systems shape relationships in society.

Essential Question:  How did the United States become an industrialized society after the Civil War?

—various resources that enabled the United States to industrialize quickly.
—new technologies invented during this era and their inventors.
—how the spread of railroads changed the nation.
—leading railroad industrialists and evaluate their accomplishments.
—rise of large-scale businesses and their different forms of organization.
—key industrialists and financiers and what their role was in shaping the nationʻs economy.
—changes in retail and the emergence of the advertising industry in the late nineteenth century.
—how industrialization changed working conditions in the United States.
—the rise of organized labor and the reasons it failed to achieve its major goals.

…Time, Continuity and Change (#6, 7)
…People, Places and Environments (#1, 4)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#2)
…Production, Distribution and Consumption (#4, 6, 8)
…Science, Technology and Society (#1, 4, 6)
…Global Connections (#6)

The Rise of Industry
—Finish reading
—Discussion Questions Post-reading Completion
…..What does a country need in order to successfully achieve industrialization?
…..Why was the United States successful at industrialization?
…..What effects do you think the growth of transportation would have had on the nationʻs economy?  What about today?
…..How did the natural resources help the United States industrialize?
…..Which type of resource do you think was most important to industrialization?
…..Why wasnʻt petroleum an important natural resource in the 1800s?
…..Where are most of the worldʻs petroleum reserves found today?
…..What do you know about the political and economic conditions of countries in the Middle East?
…..What invention from this period has the most impact on your daily life?
…..How do these past inventions compare with todayʻs inventions?  Are they comparable, or are we in an era of very different ideas and methods?
…How did individuals, inventors and entrepreneurs contribute to industrialization during this era?
…..How did laissez-faire ideas contribute to tremendous economic growth during this time period?
…..Which group of people might be likely to object to a totally laissez-faire economic policy?
—–Complete Rise of Industries Political Cartoon_Handout


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Pōʻahā, 20 ʻOkakopa 16

Industrialization (1865-1901):  The Rise of Industry

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Economic systems shape relationships in society.

Essential Question:  How did the United States become an industrialized society after the Civil War?

—various resources that enabled the United States to industrialize quickly.
—new technologies invented during this era and their inventors.
—how the spread of railroads changed the nation.
—leading railroad industrialists and evaluate their accomplishments.
—rise of large-scale businesses and their different forms of organization.
—key industrialists and financiers and what their role was in shaping the nationʻs economy.
—changes in retail and the emergence of the advertising industry in the late nineteenth century.
—how industrialization changed working conditions in the United States.
—the rise of organized labor and the reasons it failed to achieve its major goals.

…Time, Continuity and Change (#6, 7)
…People, Places and Environments (#1, 4)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#2)
…Production, Distribution and Consumption (#4, 6, 8)
…Science, Technology and Society (#1, 4, 6)
…Global Connections (#6)

The Rise of Industry
—Finish sharing from yesterday
—Discussion Questions Pre-reading Activity
…..What does a country need in order to successfully achieve industrialization?
…..Why was the United States successful at industrialization?
…..What effects do you think the growth of transportation would have had on the nationʻs economy?  What about today?
…..How did the natural resources help the United States industrialize?
…..Which type of resource do you think was most important to industrialization?
…..Why wasnʻt petroleum an important natural resource in the 1800s?
…..Where are most of the worldʻs petroleum reserves found today?
…..What do you know about the political and economic conditions of countries in the Middle East?
…..What invention from this period has the most impact on your daily life?
…..How do these past inventions compare with todayʻs inventions?  Are they comparable, or are we in an era of very different ideas and methods?
…How did individuals, inventors and entrepreneurs contribute to industrialization during this era?
…..How did laissez-faire ideas contribute to tremendous economic growth during this time period?
…..Which group of people might be likely to object to a totally laissez-faire economic policy?
—–Whole class reading pp. 286-289 and Post-reading Activity completion

Homework:  Complete Rise of Industries Political Cartoon_Handout

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Pō’akolu, 19 ‘Okakopa 16

Carnegie-SteelIndustrialization (1865-1901):  The Rise of Industry

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Economic systems shape relationships in society.

Essential Question:  How did the United States become an industrialized society after the Civil War?

—various resources that enabled the United States to industrialize quickly.
—new technologies invented during this era and their inventors.
—how the spread of railroads changed the nation.
—leading railroad industrialists and evaluate their accomplishments.
—rise of large-scale businesses and their different forms of organization.
—key industrialists and financiers and what their role was in shaping the nationʻs economy.
—changes in retail and the emergence of the advertising industry in the late nineteenth century.
—how industrialization changed working conditions in the United States.
—the rise of organized labor and the reasons it failed to achieve its major goals.

…Time, Continuity and Change (#6, 7)
…People, Places and Environments (#1, 4)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#2)
…Production, Distribution and Consumption (#4, 6, 8)
…Science, Technology and Society (#1, 4, 6)
…Global Connections (#6)

What does Industrialization look like?
…Visual connection

The Rise of Industry
–Complete vocabulary via Google Classroom
–Discussion:  What does a country need in order to successfully achieve industrialization?

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Pō’alima, 30 Kepakemapa 16

aerial-afterImmigration (1865-1900’s)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Certain processes, patterns, and functions help determine where people settle.

Essential Question:  Why do people migrate?  In what ways has sugar cane affected our island?

—will know the settlement patterns of immigrants and the influence on American culture.
—will know the problems that developed as more people crowded areas
—will collaborate in assigned groups to compare and contrast information
—will understand the connection immigration has to their families

…Culture (#1)
…Time, Continuity and Change (#2, 4, 6, 7)
…People, Places and Environments (#8)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#2)
…Power, Authority, & Governance (#5)

Newsela:  Take Quia

—Ellis Island Handout
—Essay Essay
All resubmissions are due Sunday into Google Classroom by 11:59 pm!

Homework:  Complete and turn in resubmissions into Google Classroom by 11:59 pm!

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Pō’ahā, 29 Kepakemapa 16

aerial-afterImmigration (1865-1900’s)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Certain processes, patterns, and functions help determine where people settle.

Essential Question:  Why do people migrate?  In what ways has sugar cane affected our island?

—will know the settlement patterns of immigrants and the influence on American culture.
—will know the problems that developed as more people crowded areas
—will collaborate in assigned groups to compare and contrast information
—will understand the connection immigration has to their families

…Culture (#1)
…Time, Continuity and Change (#2, 4, 6, 7)
…People, Places and Environments (#8)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#2)
…Power, Authority, & Governance (#5)

—Complete Ellis Island Interpretive Essay
—Essay and Video Notes due into Google Classroom by 11:59 pm tonight!

Homework:  Newsela Quiz tomorrow

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Pō’akolu, 28 Kepakemapa 16

aerial-afterImmigration (1865-1900’s)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  Certain processes, patterns, and functions help determine where people settle.

Essential Question:  Why do people migrate?  In what ways has sugar cane affected our island?

—will know the settlement patterns of immigrants and the influence on American culture.
—will know the problems that developed as more people crowded areas
—will collaborate in assigned groups to compare and contrast information
—will understand the connection immigration has to their families

…Culture (#1)
…Time, Continuity and Change (#2, 4, 6, 7)
…People, Places and Environments (#8)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#2)
…Power, Authority, & Governance (#5)

—Complete Ellis Island Handout via Google Classroom

Homework:  Newsela due tomorrow; Quiz on Friday

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Pō’ahā, 22 Kepakemapa 16

civilwarThe Civil War (1861-1865)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  The struggle for individual rights and equality often shapes a societyʻs politics.

Essential Questions: Can the nationʻs union of states be broken?  Should war be conducted against both military and civilian populations?

—the advantages and disadvantages the North and the South had at the beginning of the war.
—why President Lincoln decided to issue the Emancipation Proclamation and how it changed the meaning of the war.
—the experiences on the home front in the Union and the Confederacy.
—the significance of the Siege of Vicksburg and the Battle of Gettysburg as turning points in the war.
—the conditions, both military and civilian, in the Confederacy at the warʻs end.

…Culture (#3, 6)
…Time, Continuity and Change (#1, 2, 4)
—People, Places and Environments (#8)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#3, 5)

The Civil War:  The Emancipation Proclamation through Different Eyes
—Position Paper due Sunday into Google Classroom by 11:59 pm!

Homework:  Newsela Quiz on tomorrow.

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Pō’alua, 20 Kepakemapa 16

civilwarThe Civil War (1861-1865)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  The struggle for individual rights and equality often shapes a societyʻs politics.

Essential Questions: Can the nationʻs union of states be broken?  Should war be conducted against both military and civilian populations?

—the advantages and disadvantages the North and the South had at the beginning of the war.
—why President Lincoln decided to issue the Emancipation Proclamation and how it changed the meaning of the war.
—the experiences on the home front in the Union and the Confederacy.
—the significance of the Siege of Vicksburg and the Battle of Gettysburg as turning points in the war.
—the conditions, both military and civilian, in the Confederacy at the warʻs end.

…Culture (#3, 6)
…Time, Continuity and Change (#1, 2, 4)
—People, Places and Environments (#8)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#3, 5)

The Civil War:  The Emancipation Proclamation through Different Eyes
—Read and analyze The Emancipation Proclamation
—Go over reasons why Lincoln issued the Proclamation
—Complete Character Activity

Homework:  Newsela due Thursday; Quiz on Friday.

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