Pōʻakolu, 07 Malaki 2018

civilwarThe Civil War (1861-1865)

Intro: Overview, Attendance, Agenda, Introduce Essential Question, Objectives, Standards

Enduring Understanding:  The struggle for individual rights and equality often shapes a societyʻs politics.

Essential Questions: Can the nationʻs union of states be broken?  Should war be conducted against both military and civilian populations?

—the History of Slavery in America.
—the advantages and disadvantages the North and the South had at the beginning of the war.
—why President Lincoln decided to issue the Emancipation Proclamation and how it changed the meaning of the war.
—the experiences on the home front in the Union and the Confederacy.
—the significance of the Siege of Vicksburg and the Battle of Gettysburg as turning points in the war.
—the conditions, both military and civilian, in the Confederacy at the warʻs end.

…Culture (#3, 6)
…Time, Continuity and Change (#1, 2, 4)
—People, Places and Environments (#8)
…Individuals, Groups, & Institutions(#3, 5)

—Complete reflection essay
—Essay due by tomorrow 03/08/2018 into Google Classroom by 11:59 pm!

Homework:  Finish reflection essay-due tomorrow; Newsela Write & Quiz due by Friday!

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