
A survey was distributed to approximately 110 seventh grade students to evaluate the newly revised curriculum for the 2012-13 school year. Survey question and student response highlights are listed below. Since this survey has been successfully distributed to a small test group using Poll Daddy, our next step is to distribute the survey to our entire student body at the conclusion of the 2012-13 school year to inform curriculum revisions for next school year’s Digital Citizenship program.

Question 1:
Advisory lessons pertaining to digital citizenship – Online safety precautions, etiquette, health related concerns (RSI, 20/20/20 rule, etc.) – have been helpful in my personal and academic life.

Agree: 56%
Strongly Agree -24%
80% of respondents feel that digital citizenship has been helpful in personal and academic life.

Question 2:
In what ways have you applied information learned from digital citizenship lessons to your personal life?

•I have applied what I learned from digital citizenship to my personal life by not texting or playing on my phone while we are eating at restaurant or at a special event
•I always turn my brightness on all the way to prevent RSI side effects. Also, I try not to stare at the computer screen for too long.
•I don’t copy and paste items. In rare cases I might for an assignment. Although I always site my work when I do this.
•I feel that the teachers really did help me with this by the lessons and activities that we did during the advisory period.
•You need to make sure that you mean what you are trying to say, and not post mean things because you might regret your decision later, but its too late because once something is out on the internet, you can’t take it back, and it’ll be out there forever.

Question 3:
In what ways have you applied information learned from digital citizenship lessons to your academic life?

•I have applied this information to my SCHOOL LIFE by not doing wrong things on my lolouila (laptop), and taking care of it, like not throwing it to the side when you’re late to class. Digital citizenship is not only ONLINE, but also in real life, like not just misusing your laptop, but caring for it also.
•I use that are only school-related and educationally appropriate. I have been aware guidelines from the videos I watched and use those principles as reference. i use my laptop for educational reasons only and when i go on a website like edmodo, it is for the assignment only, not to go and chat with a friend.

Question 4:
To me, digital citizenship means…(complete below)

•It means showing pono (proper) online and be aware of what i look and send online and on my phone because it may hurt someones feelings.
•To me, digital citizenship means that you understand and abide by the internet rules. I also think that it means that you know how to use the internet and all electronic devices properly and safely. It also means that you will not take advantage of it and will take care of it properly too.
•It also means to be a good role model for others when your online and not just in the real world. Digital citizenship is also making sure you stay safe and alert when ever you use technology.
•To me it means using a work of technology in order to perpetuate good learning and health into our lives. You have a choice on the internet. You can either use it for the good of the world, or you can disregard the lessons and use it for your own personal gain. Sending something in all caps can make them think something opposite of what youa re telling them. This could affect them in a bad way that can never be fixed.

Question 5:
What do you like the best about the digital citizenship advisory lessons?

•The thing I liked best about the digital citizenship advisory lesson was learning about it and answering the examples because some of the examples were happening in my life.

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