Author Archives: cawon

April 2013 Health Tip

10 Surprising Clues You’ll Live to 100 By Paula Spencer Scott, Tue, Sep 06, 2011 About one in 10,000 people seems to be a “slow ager” who lives to 100 — sometimes even in spite of bad health habits, … Continue reading

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Health Tip for March 2013

5 Nutrition Myths Dispelled By Dr. Maoshing Ni Mar 01, 2013 Myth #1: All Carbohydrates are Bad Carbohydrates supply our bodies with fuel and without them, we wouldn’t have sufficient energy to carry on most of our daily activities. Remember … Continue reading

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Health Tip for February 2013

Anti-Cancer Superfoods: Do They Really Work? By Melanie Haiken, Thu, Sep 29, 2011 The short answer to this question is — drum roll, please — yes. They really do. While studies are ongoing, and in many cases experts still … Continue reading

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Kekuhaupio Weight Room 2013

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2013 Sophomore Banquet

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Health Tip for January 2013

8 Snacks That Fight Heart Disease Nikki Jong, contributing editor Tue, Sep 06, 2011   1. ApplesMaybe it’s due to their ubiquitous nature, but apples don’t get enough credit. Never mind it doesn’t get the same health billing as … Continue reading

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2012 Founders Day

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Health Tip for December 2012

Chocolate: A Superfood for Teeth  By Mark Burhenne, DDS A dentist recommending CHOCOLATE? Yes, that’s right, you read correctly. Recent studies emerging from Japan, England, and the U.S. support the fact that chocolate is effective at fighting cavities, plaque, and … Continue reading

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2012 ILH Cheerleading Championships

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2012 Thanksgiving Assembly

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