Download Khan Academy App :)

Aloha Kaʻu Iʻa!

The Khan Academy app is now in self serve!  Please download and use it to review decimals!  Remember to get a good nights sleep, eat breakfast and see you in class on time :). MAP math test tomorrow! :). We got this!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Jan. 17-19

Morning Meeting w/Mrs. Kaneakua

Aloha e nā Ohana 5B!

The haumāna have been working hard doing initial research on their upcoming argument speech topics.  Numerous hours in class have been dedicated to looking up potential topics as well as checking if there is enough credible information to use.  Our annual Kula Haʻahaʻa  Lamakū Speech Festival is on Wed., Feb. 14…one of our own 5B FISH! Will be taking the great stage of Lunalilo Hale to share argument speech!  Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend!

Wed., Jan. 17=Rotation 2: Final selection will be made and topic turned in during class for Lamakū Speech today! 🙂 Look forward to hearing all the great topics!  It is Athletic Wear day…donʻt forget to show your team spirit by wearing your fav sports jersey! Please follow guidelines on flyer that already went home.  Caylee will be taking on alakaʻi duties today during morning meeting.

Thurs., Jan. 18-Day 5:  MAP Math Testing first thing in the morning!  Please get a good nights sleep, come to school on time, and  eat a good breakfast!  Taylor will be taking on alakaʻi duties today during morning meeting.

Fri., Jan. 19-Day 6:  Uncle Kawika Lewis will be in class to share him manaʻo on our essential question: What is Our Kuleana? Today!  Be prepared to be “wow”ed!  Any donation of a lei would be appreciated, please send me an email if this is a possibility.  Mahalo!

Heads up, Lamakū argument writing final is due on Mon., Jan 22!

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5B FISH! Deep Diving With Ito!

Ito and the 5B FISH! Swim Strong Together!

2018 starts off with a bang!  We continue in our quest to ʻimi ʻike-seek knowledge.  How do we make our learning real, deep?  How do we “get it”?  The haumāna & I ʻswim strong” in our quest to gain a deeper understanding of our essential question: What is Our Kuleana?  Today, we were humbled & honored to hoʻokipa Mr. Daniel Ikaika Ito, a ʻ99 KS-Kapālama alum who grew up in Papāʻikou, into our classroom to share his manaʻo on his kuleana.

From attending college in San Diego & UH Mānoa focused on journalism, to working in a restaurant back in Oʻahu, to writing for a surf magazine, to accomplishing his goal of being a writer & editor of Contrast magazine, many lessons were learned along the way.  Here he captures important points for us:

1) Always Reach Out:  Take risks and meet people.  Seek out people and information, even if it may be a different perspective from your own.  Makawalu-look at multiple perspectives to tell all sides of the moʻolelo to share & better understand other cultures.

2)  Be Prepared: Be professional-how you present yourself is important.  How you dress, how you carry yourself, & how you speak matters.

3)  Strive for YOUR Personal Best:  Not everytime will you succeed, but how you respond when you fail is what defines you.  Embrace pressures of deadlines and due dates instead of giving up!  Have a growth mindset!  Give it your all in all that you do.

4) Set Goals for Yourself: Work hard & have a good work ethic.  Work towards & keep your eye on your goals then set new ones for yourself.

5) Seek out Inspirations: Inspiration is everywhere you go, choose to see it.  Explore to find your passion, follow it, and learn from it!

6)  Always Share Aloha:  Greet people with kindness.  Find your aloha than offer it to others.  Leaders look to fulfill the needs of others by listening and asking questions to create one vision, ONE TEAM!  #OTOD!

Itoʻs journey of following his passions…beginning with loving surfing & reading someones every word in surf magazines at Iolani dorm at KSK has brought him full circle, he is now a surf coach at KSK, as he states that giving back to Ke Aliʻi Pauahi and Kamehameha is important to  him.  He now shares Hawaiian perspective as a writer/editor and has other young minds reading his every word.  He accomplished his goal of being an editor of a magazine by hana kupono and hoʻomau…now, new goals are being formulated.

Now that Ito has a family, his kuleana deepens…he left us with a closing thought of HIS kuleana…”To make Hawaiʻi a better place for the next generation (his baby son included)…For all keiki to have a better life filled with ALOHA!”  His parting advice, “Be a pono ambassador & respectable leader of our Hawaiian culture by modeling it and being able to articulate it to others who are not of the same culture!”   In short, REPRESENT!

Mahalo Ito for contributing to our future, for sharing your moʻolelo on your kuleana that kōkua us to understand our kuleana, and most importantly, for reaching out to our world with aloha while your toes are firmly grounded in the culture of the islands! Wishing you continued success as you ride your best wave of your home break! Imua Ito, Imua 5B FISH!, Imua Kamehameha!

Share a Shaka, Share Aloha!

Kaʻu Iʻa…how do YOU put this new ʻike into action…Knowing is NOT enough…itʻs a call to action!  What is Your Kuleana…As a KSH haumāna, As a Hawaiian, As a Global Citizen

FOLLOW YOUR PASSION…Always with Aloha!

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EQ: What Is Your Kuleana? Ito Shares his Mo’olelo


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Ohana Alert for the Week of Jan. 8-12

Hau’oli Makahiki Hou e nå 5B FISH a me nå Ohana!

Hope that your holidays were wonderful…lots of great memories made!  Here is the upcoming week at a glance:

Mon., Jan. 8-Rotation 2-Day 1:  We will be having a guest speaker, Mr. Daniel Ikaika Ito a KSK Alumni, sharing his mana’o on our EQ What is Your Kuleana today!  Please email me if you are able to donate a lei, it would be much appreciated!

Thurs., Jan. 7- Day 3:  Get a good nights sleep and prepare to have a good breakfast tomorrow as we take MAP testing.

Fri., Jan. 12-Day 4: MAP Testing for reading today for 5B!

Heads Up:  Martin Luther King Day & K-12 Teacher In-Service day…NO SCHOOL on 1/15 and 1/16.

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One Heart at a Time! The 5B FISH! Swim to Make a Difference in Hilo!

As the holidays are in full swing, the 5B FISH! were reminded that we have so much blessings!  Yes, we may not have EVERYTHING we want, but we have everything that we need!  We are beneficiaries of Ke Ali’i Pauahi’s generosity and love for her people and looked to her life of caring and compassion to guide us!  She was a great example of servant leadership!  Being able to quietly serve her people and ensure that they would have what they needed to make a difference in our world, EDUCATION!

To show our appreciation of our Princess, the FISH! decided to pay it forward…as we are blessed, we chose to køkua those who may not be as fortunate!  To make a difference in our world, one heart at a time!

Kahiau: To give with no expectation of a return…5B Project Kahiau 2017 was in full swing in the month of December!  Each student brainstormed a way to make a positive impact in our community.  They discussed ideas w/Ohana, planned, prepared, and finally put it into action…implementation! These Kahiau Projects were a labor of love as each student followed THEIR passion to share their many blessings and BE the positive change in the world!  From donating time at pet rescue centers, to preparing sack meals for the homeless, to providing blankets to warm the hearts & bodies of others in these chilly winter days, or sending out a huge mahalo to our firefighters who help to keep us safe…5th graders can change the world!


Here is Taylor’s Project Kahiau:  She and her whole Ohana planned, discussed, & chose to go to Legacy of Hilo, a residence for Kupuna who are in need of a little extra care.  She made it a point to seek out residents who may have limited visitors due to where they live.  At Legacy, Taylor had a chance to “talk stories” and share a makana with many, but Grandma B stood out in her mind and recalled the moʻolelo of her life…To Taylor’s delight & excitement, she received a personal note from Grandma B thanking her for the visit & sharing blessing for a wonderful holiday in the mail..which she shared with us in class.  How cool is that!  Aloha aku, Aloha mai! We are truly blessed!!

Click on the videos to see 5B Operation Project Kahiau in ACTION!  We hope to inspire you to join us to make a positive change in our ONE world! Go out and make kindness, caring, and kahiau YOUR MISSION!  Happy Holidays to all, the season just got brighter!  Mahalo to the 5B ohana for your continued support!  Teamwork!  #OTOD!

Remember, Kahiau does NOT end when the jingle bells fade away in the distance or when the popping subsides…it continues to live on in your heart everyday, put it into action!  Share your ALOHA with all!

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5B FISH! @ Christmas Ekalesia

The last 2 days before Christmas break are here!  The haumåna have one last writing on Project Kahiau due on Mon., Dec. 18th…students were asked to take home their writing tablets to complete the final! Writing is due first thing in the morning, then…PARTY TIME!  The students will be celebrating with a Hot Cocoa Bar and desserts!  Any sweet contributions to ring in Christmas cheer welcome.

Our last day of school will be in honor of our Founder Ke Ali’i Bernice Pauahi Bishop, on her birthday! Please get your dress whites ready!  No jewelry, no funky colored ribbons or bows or headbands-please refer to the handbook!  Watches are ok, but again refer to handbook for acceptable color.  Founder’s Day begins at 9:00am at Koai’a gym in the high school.  School lets out at 11:15am…then the vacation begins!  See ya all on Mon, Jan. 8th!  Enjoy the time to relax, laugh, and make wonderful ohana memories!  Mahalo for a wonderful 2017!

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Ho!Ho!Ho! Christmas Came Early…

As you might know, the 5B FISH! had a “hangout” with Flipgrid!  Wow, we rec’d an early Christmas gift from Adam and the Flipgrid team today:). They call it Swag!  We are blessed with so much learning and now gifts!

5B Gets Swag from Flipgrid!

UPDATED: 12/16/17   Can you imagine the excitement in class?  We had a part in contributing to #Flipgridfever! They “tweeted” us to keep us in the loop of their latest developments! Students got to “live” how appropriate communication makes a difference, a real life collaboration can be more than self-benefit, see growth mindset in action as revisions are continuous, using technology in appropriate ways can enhance learning, and sharing our cultures can change a perspective!  See a snapshot of our twitter feed!

Imagine no more, HEAR THE VOICES OF THE 5B FISH! as they share their mana’o (thoughts) of being a part of a positive change!  So appreciative to Adam and Flipgrid team for allowing us this blessing to share our Hawaiian culture & taking us along in their journey…Ma ka hana ka ‘ike…in the journey, there is knowledge!  Go out and share your positive voice…always SHARE ALOHA!  🤙🏻🤙🏻 Imua 5B FISH!, Imua Kamehameha!  It is OUR kuleana to share our voice!


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Christmas Cheer is Here!

The students had a blast today before school began…what a way to begin the day!  DANCING!

We decided to take a brain break from working on our Project Kahiau presentations (which are due tomorrow-Fri., Dec. 15) and our Project Kahiau writing (which is due Mon., Dec. 18) by wishing you all a Merry Christmas!

Our class will be having a Cocoa Bar for Christmas pa’ina on Mon., Dec. 15…What a fun way to warm us during this holidays, when the air is nippy! 🙂  Mahalo for supporting the 5B FISH! with FUN!

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Artist Carl Pao Joins the 5B FISH!

The 5B FISH! were in for a treat today!  Artist Carl Pao joined the 5B FISH! during art Specials, along with Mrs. Rosehill!  What a great time of learning…The focus of the art lesson was the kumulipo! Students also had the opportunity to connect the past of our kupuna to the future we envision.  Of course, as we prepare for Makawalu, we also created beautiful art with our theme in mind:  Makawalu: Ka wai ola, Ke kai ola!  Mrs. Chang joined us too, as Science class is connecting to the Watershed in Hawai’i and why it is so important! The Kumu are  teaming to help all our keiki to thrive for sure!

Students had a blast w/Kumu Pao!  The bonus:  Kumu Pao is transfering from our KS Kapålama campus to Hawai’i campus next month!  Students will have a chance to take a class from him in the future at High School! :). So 😎  Mahalo Mrs. Rosehill for making this happen!

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