Wham! Bam! Boom! Pow! Powtoon That is!


Need a great book in a hurry?  Don’t have time to browse the shelves? Well 5B haumåna can help!  As the trimester rapidly comes to a close, the students in 5B would like to share some of their favorite books!  Students:  Click on the comments then upload your link.  For everyone else, click on the comments section to “dive” into a great book!  Mahalo Miss Galang for helping us to navigate powtoon.com, where we learned to make exciting and fun presentations!

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Wonder of the Day…Learn All About Math


Click on the link above to learn all about math…Post a comment on your thoughts.  Share a connection that you make and explain why you think that citing examples from the text.

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Kula Ha’aha’a’s Annual Speech Festival…


Speech Festival – Fifth Grade from KSH Kula Ha’aha’a on Vimeo.

Judging from the many positive comments I received right after the speech festival, Dylan “wowed” us all!  Dylan represented the 5B FISH! well by sharing her mana’o by persuading us NOT to hit the snooze button!  She shared a ton of reasons why the snooze button is “bad” and ended her speech with, “You snooze, You Lose!”  Ho’omaika’i Dylan for a job well done!  Here’s Dylan with 2 of her biggest fans!  Check out Dylan’s great speech by clicking on the video above!  Why Snooze Buttons are Bad!  Mahalo to Ms. Richardson for taking the wonderful video!

Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 6.30.27 PM

To avoid hitting the SNOOZE button on your alarm, try these “runaway” alarm clocks! You need to catch it to snooze!

Mrs. Naeole-Wong-Asst. Head Master of KSH and Mrs. Kanehailua-Principal of Kula Ha'aha'a

Mrs. Naeole-Wong-Asst. Head Master of KSH and Mrs. Kanehailua-Principal of Kula Ha’aha’a

Makana, our other 5B finalist, was under the weather during the festivities.  Glad to report that he is feeling much better now!  We missed out on hearing his great persuasive speech on why all students should have the opportunity to have laptops in the classroom.

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Reading Recommendations: “Read Any Great Books Lately?”

Tap on the padlet below and add to our reading recommendation wall!  Don’t forget to share the title, genre, and something that would help someone look for a great book or to hook teammates in to want to read it!  Happy hunting…continue to “dive” into great books!  Please post your padlet by Tues., Feb. 3 @ 8:00am.  (You should have this already completed and just need to upload it from your ipad 🙂  Don’t forget to include your name then the title when posting.

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Look What iPads “Captured” on Campus!

Mahalo Dakota for being quick on the ipad!

Mahalo Dakota for being quick on the ipad!

Look at what was cruising around our very own Kula Ha’aha’a driveway the other day!  The Nene have landed! How cool is that!  Remember, as steward of the land, never interfere with the Nene.  Admiring them from a safe distance is the best!  Hope to see them back again soon!  If you see them, break out those ipads!

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Ohana Alert: Håweo Awards and Important Upcoming Due Dates

Aloha e nå 5B Ohana,

Congratulations to our December Håweo Award recipients, Dylan and Kana’i!  They both did a wonderful job of representing the Hawaiian value of A’O!  To be a teacher-leader-learner!  They recently celebrated with their friends and family at our monthly luncheon!



The students have been focused on a number of projects since our new year return.  They have spent countless hours in class (class time) and at home (as homework) doing research and collecting facts on their persuasive or argument speech.  They have also been working on doing research on their “one hanåu”…literally translated into the sands of their birth.

As the days fly by, just sharing a heads up with ohana to help monitor students to keep them on track for the following due dates that have been continuously written in planners:

Wed., Jan. 21:  Speech Festival written speech final due in class at 8:00am.  This includes the final written on binder paper and all research notes & fact collection.  We will also be taking the reading section of our mid-year MAP test as the letter from Ms. Rutherford stated.  Please help us by ensuring your child gets a good night sleep and have a good breakfast…menu says Fried Rice in school 🙂  A student favorite!

Thurs., Jan. 22:  Continue to practice speech for speech festival.  Speeches will be timed. Please come to school on time 🙂  Mid-year Math MAP test.

Fri., Jan. 23 K-8 Charles Reed Bishop Convocation.  Please use MANDATORY dress whites today.  Blue slacks for boys, skirts for girls, and white polos for all! Per our administration, all students that do not have dress whites

Mon., Jan. 26: Class presentations of speech.   5 students will be selected by peers for Semi finals to represent 5B.

Fri., Jan. 30:  Speech Festival Finalist to take the stage of Lunalilo Hale.

Fri., Feb 6:  9 genres and self-set reading goals due in class at 8:00am.

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Today, Papa ‘Elima (Gr. 5) haumåna welcomed guests from Albion College in Michigan to class.  We began with a ho’okipa (welcome) where Mrs. Pai oli’d on behalf of our guest and the rest of us oli’d to welcome them to our campus!  The students in 5B began by welcoming the college Freshmen to our classroom and shared how the current lava flow is impacting our island using their ipads and techie skills.  They shared legends of Pele, and shared their mana’o on the financial, government, social & emotional impacts, as well as innovations on how electric poles were redesigned in order to not interrupt service for the people of Pahoa as lava flowed.

The students also shared legend on how Hilo got its name and the cultural significance behind making a kupe’e (bracelet)and connections between the two.  The kupe’e wards off negativity and provides protection and brings positive energy for safe journey…which was so fitting as our guests were on huaka’i (field trip) all the way from Michigan.  The students demonstrated, instructed, coached and cheered on our guests as they made their own kupe’e!  All the while all shared with positive thoughts as that positive mana will transfer to the kupe’e.

As the day went on, pa’a pilina (old relationships) were renewed (Mrs. Pai and Mrs. Kawakami and Mrs. Henke were friends and colleagues for many years) and new pilina was formed with all the students and teachers…young and old!  Click on the comments link to see what our students thought of this priceless learning experience &  wonderful day…Read the comments on how proud they were to share our Hawaiian culture as well as learn from our new friends!  Michigan entered our campus as guests and continued on their journey of our wonderful moku o keawe (Big Island) as friends! A hui hou…until we meet again! Safe travels to you!  We’ll be sending some priceless photos to Prof Carrie and Sue soon!



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We Mahalo Ke Ali’i Pauahi-Founder’s Day 2014

imageAs the year rapidly came to a close, students, teachers, administration, and ohana shared our appreciation to Our Princess, Bernice Pauahi Bishop on Founder’s Day on Dec. 19.  We mahalo her for her vision to better her people through education, we are so blessed.  Dylan spent her last few moments in class making the following before dashing off into the holidays!


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FISH! Food for Thought: In the Spirit of Giving….Kahiau


During out morning meeting today, a great video was shared that exemplified KAHIAU…There’s so much to learn, so much life to live, so much ways to make a difference and share that message of Kahiau…giving without any expectations.  Let others know that they matter!  Happy Holidays and go make someone’s day!

Share your mana’o on changing our world….

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Congrats to Our November Håweo Awardees!

Ho’omaika’i to Dakota and Kaimi, our November Håweo awardees who exemplified the Hawaiian value of A’o.  We cheered them on as they celebrated with a wonderful lunch on center stage!  Great day to celebrate great FISH! Yippee!

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