Category Archives: Uncategorized

Attention Ohana, Køkua Needed

Upcoming Ohana Assistance: As mentioned at Student-Led Conferences…Makawalu, the Papa ‘Elima capstone project is on Thurs., April 20th!  Please save the date as you won’t want to miss it as students share their learning through their years at Kula Ha’aha’a! … Continue reading

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Mathlethes for the Week

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Ohana Alert: Huaka’i to Lokoi’a

Hi 5B Ohana, Just a heads up that 5B students will be going on huaka’i to Kumuola Lokoi’a on Mon., March 13 to test out their STEAM water filtration system for wa’a that they worked on with Kumu Noe!  Students … Continue reading

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Calling All FISH!

Hi Ka’u I’a, Need to have a list of students who attended Halau Kupukupu last summer.  Please come and see me tomorrow before oli if you did.  Mahalo!

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Math Marathoners for the Week!

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IMPORTANT Ohana Alert: Week of Feb. 27-Mar.3

Wow!  March Madness is upon us!  There’s much that will be happening in the upcoming weeks for the 5B FISH! Planners, class blog post, and many conversations on kuleana at home will be important as we “Swim Strong” to the … Continue reading

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Homework for Thurs., Feb. 23

Aloha e nå Haumåna, Here’s the homework for today…Read 30 Mins., Complete 20 ?s for ONE of the sides (either Hawaiian History OR US History).  Don’t forget that the end of the month is rapidly approaching, 7 IXL skills are … Continue reading

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IXL Movers & Shakers for the Week!

These are our top 5 for IXL skills this week!  See our FISH! that are moving and shaking to meet their 7 skill monthly goal!  Go FISH! Go!

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New Tool for 5B Readers!

Hi Students, Please post a comment to the padlet wall by tapping on the wall.  Don’t forget to include your name and 5B to it before you post it! 🙂  

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Teaming for Success!

Aloha e nå Ohana 5B! Just a friendly reminder that homework is assigned M-TH and should take no more than 60 mins. to complete (including the 30 mins. of reading).  If your keiki is taking much more than that, please … Continue reading

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