Category Archives: Social Studies

Ma ka hana ka ‘ike! In the Journey of the task, there is knowledge!

Aloha e nå haumåna, In the journey of the task, is the knowledge….Something to consider as you work on the night’s assignment of fact collection related to Hilo Hanakahi:  Reflect on our huaka’i with Kumu Lehua and all the information … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Uncategorized | 17 Comments

Speech Festival Semi Final Round

See who made it into the semifinal round for our Speech Festival…The semi finals are on Monday., Feb. 10th.  Keep on practicing!  The following students wowʻd their classmates with their presentations…Congrats to the following:  (In no particular order) Tayzia, Ehulani, … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Ohana Alert! | 3 Comments

A Snapshot of Boston Memories

Students:  See if you can recognize some of these photos or identify its historical significance…now…scan this QR code and it will allow you to “dive a little deeper” into these photos!  Tap on the bulls eyes!  The bulls eyes are … Continue reading

Posted in Social Studies, Techie Things | 2 Comments

See Ya on the 18th

Hi Students, Leaving for Boston soon and wanted to let you know that my prediction of freezing (to me) weather may be correct! Yikes!  Donʻt laugh too hard! 🙂  The temperatures are expected to be in mid 30ʻs…degrees that is! … Continue reading

Posted in Social Studies | 29 Comments

Hoʻomaikaʻi to Dayanee and Karl

What does it take to become a Hāweo Awardee this trimester?  Well, you surely need to be a responsible student as the Hawaiian value is kuleana.  Dayanee and Karl do a great job of turning in all work, but most … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Ohana Alert! | 13 Comments

Huakaʻi to Hamakua Springs Farm

Papa ʻElima went on our first huakaʻi this year…we were privileged to go visit Uncle Richard Haʻs Hamakua Springs Farm in Pepeʻekeo.  The students learned so much on our brief visit from Aunty Tracy (Uncle Richardʻs daughter and 3rd generation … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Social Studies, Sustainability | 21 Comments

Papa Alakaʻi Presents….”Makawalu Hilo”

Makawalu Hilo. Click on the link above to “catch” a glimpse of our FISH!bowl activities today as we shared our manaʻo on the wahi pana of Hilo.  See how it all began… to how it ended!  The students worked non-stop … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Hilo Project, Ohana Alert! | 5 Comments

Ohana Comments…Makawalu Hilo

Hi Students, Here’s the post to share ohana reflections (if they attended) on Makawalu Hilo…They can post directly or you can share their mana’o here after you have a discussion about our experiences of the day.  Stay tuned for the … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Hilo Project, Ohana Alert!, Uncategorized | 18 Comments

Student Post…Makawalu Hilo

Hi Students, Post your reflections here for tonight’s homework.  Reflect on today’s presentation of “Makawalu Hilo.”  Reflect on the learning, sharing your learning with others, presentations, thoughts, how it builds pilina, etc…  Please comment with 2-3 paragraphs of thoughtful reflection. … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Hilo Project | 24 Comments

Ohana Alert for the Week of April 22-26

This is a busy week for our students…get your pens and calendars out! Mon., Apr. 22-Day 2: Itʻs Earth Day!  Letʻs all do our part to help to sustain our world. Have a discussion at home on how you can … Continue reading

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