Category Archives: Reading

Book Recommendations to Meet Your Reading Goals!

Hereʻs a video from the editor of Scholastic. She shares great recommendations on books! Itʻs not too late, please place your on-line orders by 7pm tonight! Read, read, read! Swim Strong!

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Reading | 8 Comments

Got Genres?

Aloha e nā haumāna, Welcome to our class blog, kaʻu Iʻa (my FISH!). You will find that from time to time, you will be given assignments that in order to complete, youʻd need to comment on our blog. Hereʻs the … Continue reading

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At the Eleventh Hour…Kamaile earns the 1,000,000!

On the last day, the last hour of class…Kamaile did it! Ho’omaika’i to Kamaile for reading ONE MILLION words this year!!! When the year began, every student didn’t believe that it could be done. What rubbish, Mrs. Ah Hee must … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Reading | 1 Comment

Meet the Newest “Reading Rich” Haumāna

What is rich to you? The dictionary defines rich as having wealth or great possessions; abundantly supplied with resources. Well, the following students are rich, super rich! They possess an abundant supply of wealth and knowledge from all the books … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 2 Comments

More Reading “RICH” Students

We all want to be rich? What does it take to be rich? The answer is simple, you must read, read, read! Ho’omaika’i to Thaze who today became the newest 5B Millionaire (read a million words) and Pono who joined … Continue reading

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Newest Millionaire AND Genre Gold Club Member!

Welcome the newest 5B MILLIONAIRE! Ho’omaika’i Randon for reading and presenting his 28th book this year! You did it! Saige completed her 9th genre for Trimester #3 today too! She has joined the ranks of the Genre Gold Club! Congrats … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 1 Comment

Newest Millionaire Club Members

The 5B FISH! welcomes the newest millionaires! No, they didn’t hit the megabucks or the lottery! They hit the BOOKS! Ho’omaika’i to Saige and Kiki for reading 1,000,000 words! They both presented their 28th book as the team cheered them … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 3 Comments

Read, Read, Read! We’re on the Home Stretch!

Here are a few book recommendations that may help you as you select different genres to read! Enjoy the book talk!

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Get Ready, Get Set, Go! LEAP into a Good Book!

Happy BONUS Day! Today is February 29th. LEAP DAY! According to the Gregorian calendar, leap day happens once every 4 years. Why you ask? Well…the common belief is that it takes the earth 365 days to circle the sun once, … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Reading, Uncategorized | 5 Comments

Got Genres? Trimester #3 Update

As you already know, more of the 5B FISH! have risen to the challenge of reading 9 genres in a trimester! A bunch have read 11, 12, even 13 genres in Trimester #2. The Trimester #3 requirements are as follows: … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Reading | 2 Comments