Category Archives: Reading

Character Conflict: Another “Simulated” FLIPPED lesson

Hi There Students, As we are learning in class, there are 4 types of conflict…Character vs. Character, Character vs. Nature, Character vs. Supernatural or Technology, and Character vs. Self…What type of conflict do you see going on in the book … Continue reading

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Taking a Second Look at Book Recommendations

Thinking that I was going to be “all creative” by sharing great book recommendations from our campusʻ leaders, but I soon found out…NOT!  The video did not give you a chance to read the great words from Poʻoʻs.  Here is … Continue reading

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Nānā I Ke Kumu

Hmmm…can you guess who believes reading is a life skill that is extremely important?  Click on the link to see!    Nānā I Ke Kumu.

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Last Day! Ho’omau to Genre Goals

Hi Ka’u I’a, Tonight is the LAST night before 9 genres are due!  Continue to read!  Bring in your vocabulary words tomorrow.

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More Genre Gold Club Members!

Congrats to Sarah, Kylan, & Wallace for joining the Genre Gold Club by completing the 9 genre requirement for this trimester!  Knew you could do it!  The students continue to strive, or should I say “swim” towards their reading goals! … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 2 Comments

Meet our First MILLIONAIRE!

Meet our first MILLIONAIRE for this school year!  Great Job, Sophia! Way back in August when I first shared that our goal for the year was to read one million words, I received all kinds of looks!  Sophia gave me … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 15 Comments

Meet the Newest Genre Gold Inductees

Great job guys!  Meet our newest inductees into our Genre Gold Club!  The boys, Suli, Brock, and Karl have reached our team genre goal of completing their 9th genre for the trimester.  It can be done if we continue to … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 2 Comments

“Wonder” Character Evolvement – Jack Wills

  Hi Students, Welcome back!  Hope you had a great fall break and did a lot of great things with your ohana!  “Diving” right back into our book “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio, click on the link and complete the assignment. … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Techie Things | 28 Comments

Nānā I Ke Kumu- Look to the Source

Aloha Mai Kākou, As you know, I love reading!  I am NOT the only one…Like the ʻŌlelo Noeʻau: “Nānā i ke kumu” says…look to the source.  This means to learn from various sources…in this case, letʻs learn about reading from … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Techie Things, Uncategorized | 18 Comments

Dive into a Great Book! Go QR Crazy! :)

Hi There FISH! on Vacation, Need a great book?  Looking for a particular genre?  Need some recommendations from our resident readers?  Well, youʻre in luck!  Here are a few for you to check out!  Scan the QR code (quick response … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Techie Things | 19 Comments