Category Archives: Reading

An Invisible Thread Continued…

1/27/14 – UPDATE TO POST:  Click on the links to see student work on this amazing book using this cool app!  Tayzia  Kaili  Brock  Sarah  Dayanee  Beyonce Use the image above in the Thinglink … Continue reading

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Close Reading…Learning with Stephanie Harvey

Hi Students, As I promised, I’d share information from teacher training with you!  The upper elementary teachers are working with Stephanie Harvey and talking about close reading.  Being able to look closely at text or infographics…Here’s a photo of training… … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Techie Things, Uncategorized | 23 Comments

5B is “Diving” Into a Great Book…An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff

We are truly blessed!  The books from Ms. Laura Schroffʻs publisher have arrived!  We were pleasantly greeted with a box filled with “An Invisible Thread” books for each student upon our return back to school from the holidays.  Christmas again! … Continue reading

Posted in Project Kahiau, Reading | 73 Comments

From Ordinary to Extraordinary…with one ring!

The day began with students preparing for Founder’s Day on the 19th to honor Ke Ali’i Pauahi by practicing her mo’okü’auhau (genealogy chant).  We worked on our storyboards for our Project Kahiau and looked forward to “diving” into our new … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Techie Things, Uncategorized | 25 Comments

An Invisible Thread By Laura Schroff

More info on our class book…To be done in class on Mon., Dec. 9 http://

Posted in Project Kahiau, Reading | 3 Comments

Update for Pokies for the book “Bully”

http:// Hi Team, As you know, unfortunatey, I am still out…here are clarifications…you are to discuss as a team by sharing ideas on what you plan to include to have the characters share about themselves, then you must create pokies … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Techie Things, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Comparing Characters

R.5.L. 3 http:// Untitled from KSH Kula Ha’aha’a on Vimeo.   After you have completed the task that you received from the “Pokies” above, create a group of pokies to represent the main characters in the book “Bully” by Patricia … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Techie Things | 10 Comments

Huh? A What? Participatory Culture?

What is a PARTICIPATORY CULTURE?  Does it happen in our class?That is what I am currently learning about now at 8:58am!  (You’re still sleeping, its 3:58am Hawaii time).  What is that?  How do you go about solving this?  Post your … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Techie Things | 19 Comments

FISH! Swim for Genre Gold!

After a whole trimester of exploring new genres and striving to read 9 different genres, I am proud to announce that 19 out of our 24 FISH! have attained Genre Gold status!  Thatʻs 79% of the class.  That is the … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 24 Comments

Wonder # 4-Hero or Zero? Whatʻs Your Thoughts on Jack Now?

Your manaʻo Now??? Have your thoughts evolved?  Go back to your comments on Jack Will in the Character Evolvement post then share your new thoughts here.  Good readers can change their opinions as long as they have proof/evidence to support … Continue reading

Posted in Reading | 23 Comments