Category Archives: Ohana Alert!

Alakaʻi FISH!

There are many ways to be a great team member. A member may at times follow or at times lead, knowing when to do either at the appropriate time make a great one! Our class has many opportunities to be … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Math, Ohana Alert!, Uncategorized | 6 Comments

Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 15-19

Aloha e nā 5B Ohana, Hereʻs this week at a glance…e kale mai for not posting it yesterday. Glad that everyone remembered to come to school in dress whites for Ekalesia today. IXL Skills to work on: M.1, M.4, and … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert! | 1 Comment

ATTENTION OHANA…Change in Student Led Conference Dates

Aloha e nā 5B Ohana…. Some of the afternoon conference dates that I confirmed with you will be changed. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but due to administrative request, I would need to reschedule new dates & … Continue reading

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Hoʻomaikaʻi to Our Hāweo Awardees

Congratulations to our Hāweo Awardees, Cailey and Naeʻole, for the month of September! The Hawaiian value is hoihi…to show respect! They both continuously show respect not only to the adults or visitors on campus, but also to their peers! See … Continue reading

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Congrats to Our Newest Math Marvels!

Great job of studying and knowing your multiplication facts. The students are going for accuracy and speed and the Kyra, Paige, and Kanekoa did it! Yippee for you! Multiplication is the cornerstone of all math that we will be learning … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Math, Ohana Alert! | Leave a comment

Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct.8-12, 2012

Aloha e nā Ohana, Hope you are well rested and ready for the new week to begin! Hereʻs the week at a glance: **Student Led Conference confirmation letters will be going home this week, Iʻm just waiting for a few … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert! | 3 Comments

More Math Marvels!

Great job Travis & Cailey for attaining the Math Marvel status of answering all 100 multiplication fact problems in 2 seconds or less! The students all know that multiplication is the foundation for math for the future and have been … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Math, Ohana Alert! | 2 Comments

Don’t Miss the 5th Annual Imiloa Navigation & Wayfinding Festival

The Imiloa Navigation Exhibit happens this Saturday, Sept. 29th from 10:00am-4:00pm. Just wanted to remind you to check it out if you’re in town! It always is a great exhibit focused on navigating with the stars. Post a comment if … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert! | 4 Comments

Ohana Alert for the Week of Sept. 24-28

Aloha e nā 5B Ohana, Hereʻs the happenings for the week:  Haumāna, “hang on,” its almost fall break! Mon., Sept. 24-Day3: Student Led Conference Sign Up sheets sent home. The students have it in their bags today! It is first … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert! | 4 Comments

Ohana Alert for the Week of Sept. 17-21, 2012

Hi There FISH!, FISH! Friends, & FISH! Ohana, Hereʻs the scoops for the upcoming week!  Get your calendars out! Have a great week! 🙂 Mon., Sept. 17-Day 4:  The Book Fair Continues!  Until…Sept. 27th.  This is a great time to … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert! | 8 Comments