Category Archives: Ohana Alert!

Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 23-25

Aloha e nå Ohana 5B! I’d like to begin by saying mahalo nui for taking part in a wonderful 1st Trimester student-led conference!  It was fabulous to partner with you to hear all the progress e nå keiki have made … Continue reading

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More 5B Håweo Honors

5B again honored and mahalo’d our ohana members for all that they do for Kula Ha’aha’a!  We celebrated them at our monthly luncheon celebration this past week!  We look forward to each student introducing their ohana to all of us! … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 16-20

ATTENTION STUDENTS:  Reminder:  Makahiki assignment due Sun., Nov. 15th on Edmodo. You have also all rec’d an email of this reminder from Kumu Silva. **Bring to class your ethnicities in fractions, see email I sent to you for details. Mon., … Continue reading

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IXL Report for the week

Just sharing part of the weekly report I get from IXL on what students are learning and what needs more practice.   It also shares with me the top 5 students, wanted to share this success with all of you! … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 9-13

Mon., Nov. 9-Day 6:  Operation Christmas Child is in full swing.  Any/All donations would be much appreciated by a child that is less fortunate!  Your køkua would provide a Christmas gift for a child who would be receiving none.  So … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 2-6

Wow!  Time is sure flying by…it’s already November and Trimester #1 is securely in the history books!  So much have been accomplished since the start of school…teamwork, FISH! philosophers, growth mindsetters, and much learning!  Time sure flies when we are … Continue reading

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A “SPOOK”tacular Day for 5B!

The students and I had a great day at our annual Kula Ha’aha’a Halloween festivities!  The students prepared for this as a team by creating fun and games for everyone!  The creative games were fabulous!  Ask your keiki all about … Continue reading

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More Join the Genre Gold Club!

As the first trimester of 5th grade comes to a close, I am elated to announce that 4 more students have accomplished their goal of reading 9 genres and are now part of the Genre Gold Club!  Yippee! Congrats to … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 26-30

Hi Papa ‘Elima Peeps! Here’s a look at what the students have recently been doing in class.  It’s always a great conversation starter. Happy Sunday to you all!  Here’s the week at a glance 🙂 Mon., Oct. 26-Day 3:  Ekalesia … Continue reading

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More Join the Genre Gold Club!

Students are cheering each other on to reach the finish!  As you know, 9 genres are required for each trimester!  Meet the newest members into the Genre Gold Club!  Ho’omaika’i to Ciana, Rusty, Kai, Kydyn, Grace, Kaiyana, & Caden!  Think … Continue reading

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