Category Archives: Pilina

Kula Ha’aha’a Jumps for Heart!

The students of Kula Ha’aha’a jump for heart…the American Heart Association that is!  Every year, this great event is coordinated by Mrs. Lee in conjunction with her p.e./health class to køkua the American Heart Association as well as put into … Continue reading

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Papa ‘Elima Build Pilina and Share ‘Ike

http:// The students in Gr. 5 worked together to share and teach each other about how they use iPad apps in the classroom exemplifying the Hawaiian value to A’o…to teach and to learn.  The students do wonderful techie things in … Continue reading

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KSH Welcomes CEO Wong and Trustee Wilhelm to Kea’au

Today was a special day for the keiki of Kula Ha’aha’a as they welcomed our new CEO Wong and Trustee Wilhelm on the Kea’au, Hawai’i campus!  The beautiful winter’s day began with convocation & continued with visits to the classrooms … Continue reading

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Morning Message for Mon., Dec. 8

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Reminder from 5BFish on Vimeo.

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Dec. 8-12

Hi All, Decided to change this weekly post up a bit to not duplicate information that you get about our class!  I know that our PTO reps are “on it” and share the calendared info with you through email so, … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for Dec. 1-5

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Holiday!  The jingle bells just got closer!  Its December and the excitement of the season begins…15 school days until we pay tribute to Ke Ali’i Pauahi on Founder’s Day!  That means the mad dash … Continue reading

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I Am Thankful…

As our Ohana begin preparing all kinds of great dishes to share together tonight, watch multiple football games, & relaxing…we take this time to reflect on all that we are thankful for!  Here’s a poem that I plan to share … Continue reading

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Stand Up! Walk in the shoes of others…You can make a difference, You Matter! Change the world, One heart at a time!  What do you do to stand up and reach out to others to Make Their Day?

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Plan for a “Spook”tacular Day! Oct. 29th

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