Ohana Alert! Week of Nov. 20-24

5B FISH! on Aloha Friday!

Hi 5B,

Here’s the week at a glance and a photo of Aloha Friday!

Monday, Nov. 20th:  Convocation.  Dress whites mandatory.  As usual, white polos with slacks or skirts.  Guidance w/Miss Shonnie.  Reminder: Please post comment on her blog by Tuesday, Nov. 21st.

Tuesday & Wednesday, Nov. 21st & 22nd:  Student Led Conferences.  Remember that students will be conducting their conferences and sharing their progress so far.  They must attend 🙂  Each conference is 30 mins. long.  Let’s celebrate the learning!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!  Have a great 4 day holiday with your ohana!

See you all back on Monday Nov., 27th!


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