Mon., Apr. 23-Rotation 1-Day 5: Makawalu Wrap Party! 🙂 Students have planned potluck and games for the team to enjoy!
Tues., Apr. 24-Day 6: Sub will be in class…I’ll be out of state at a conference until Mon., April 30.
Wed., Apr. 25: Ekalesia today, please wear dress whites to school. Library Specials today. Please take ipads w/you 🙂
Fri., Apr. 27-Rotation 2-Day 2: Aloha Wear Day
Mon., Apr. 30-Day 3: Birthday Celebration for our April Babies!
Tues., May 1-Day 4: I’ll be on campus at a Math meeting, but Sub in class today.
Wed., May 2: May Day Dress Rehearsal! PTO Store open today!
Fri., May 4: May Day Program at 8:15am. 11:15am Early Release! Please don’t forget…school gets out early. If you are taking your child w/you after the program, please sign out student at office. Those that remain will be attending Middle school program until 11:15am.
**Heads Up: MAP testing begins May 7-May 15th! We are heading to final weeks of school for the year!