Student-Led Conferences

Aloha e nā Papa ‘Elima Ohana,

Student led conferences are fast approaching.  It is hard to believe how fast the first trimester has flown by.  As the students and I prepare for student led conferences, I’d like to share some information with you.

1) Conferences are set for Tuesday, Nov. 22 and Wednesday, Nov. 23.  The students do NOT have school on that day, but are required to come to their scheduled 30 minute conference to share their progress with you.  I also offer 2 additional days of afternoon times prior to the “official” conference times to accommodate ohana that may want it.  This might help to save an extra vacation day or time off from work…those times can be used for fun with ohana instead! 🙂 I will be sending home a note to confirm your date and time as soon as I receive all sign up sheets.  (Have only a few more that I am waiting for)

2) Report cards will be sent home on Friday, Nov. 18 so you have an opportunity to preview prior to all of us meeting for conference.  This would be a great time to jot down any questions, concerns, or thoughts that you would like to share.  For those of you who have signed up for the extra early days, I will try to get report cards to you a day earlier so you can preview also, but printing may not be completed.  I will try though! 🙂

3) Students will be working very hard to share their learning with you prior to the conference by preparing and reflecting on the work they did at the very beginning of the school year and how they have progressed to this point.  The work that you will see will be self-selected to show their areas of strength and areas they feel they need to work on. Encourage their efforts at conference time! 🙂

4) Our conference times are 30 minutes long, for approximately 20 minutes, the students will be sharing their thoughts on learning.  We adults will have about 10 minutes to also share.  If this time is NOT sufficient, I am always willing to schedule another meeting to address any questions, comments, concerns, or thoughts that you may have.  Please feel free to contact me with a note in the planner, a phone call 982-0246, or email  This is an open invitation not only at conference time, but all through the year! 🙂

5) If you would like to discuss a Specials class, you would need to contact the Specials teacher directly and schedule a time since they will not be at our conference.

I look forward to seeing all of you again and sharing the wonderful progress that the students have made so far.  Mahalo for your continued dedication to help the students strive to thrive!  Hand in Hand, We Can! 🙂  See ya soon!

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