Santa Fe

image imageWell, it’s Monday and I’m up early as usual!😆 It is colder today at 21 degrees out!  Do I miss shorts and slippers! How are we doing you ask, the secret…layers! Still wearing tank top,but buried deep under at least 3 extra layers,not counting my leather jacket! We’ve met some great teachers here, can’t wait to share all the learning with you😉 keep studying hard as we roll to the end of January. See ha soon and will keep posting for those that are following the scoops😘love and aloha to you!


Took this shot of the sky…wonder what it is? What’s happening in the sky here?  Do you know that Roswell is close by?  If you’re wondering about Roswell, here’s a hint…aliens!

Yes, it was snowing yesterday!  Santa Fe snows!  Here’s the proof!  The local people are “over it,” but us from Hawai’i loved it!  We were freezing, but having a blast…look closely as you might see the snowflakes that I was trying to catch…LOL! In my mouth!

By Elizabeth Woody

By Elizabeth Woody

Here you go Sara!  Artwork that we are looking at…look closely to see if you can interpret any Native American symbols in this contemporary piece of artwork!  If not, I’m sure Mrs. Rosehill can help all of you out!

Artwork everywhere, even on the ceilings!

Artwork everywhere, even on the ceilings!

Hi Students

Here’s an update (Sunday, Jan 17)…today, we’re going to be exploring/inquiring about Santa Fe and the native american/indigenous art!  The art has so many similarities to our ancient petroglyphs, we are so excited to learn more!  Will keep posting the happenings in Santa Fe so drop back for the scoops!  Excuse the typos as my fingers are a tad bit frozen as it is a brisk nippy 24 degrees here!  The is a view from right outside our hotel door! This is a shot of the Basilica of Saint Francis!

It was so cool…saw some crows!  Reminded me of the Hawaiian alala!  Off to learn & listen now…more later! imageThanks for the great questions coming from you back home…Micah W. asked what does Santa Fe mean?  It means “Holy Faith” in Spanish…It is the oldest capital city in the US and situated @ 7,000 ft. elevation on the foothills of the southern part of the Rocky Mountains!  Keep those questions coming!
image imageWe explored the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture and Museum of Folk Art today…snow all around us!  Temperature fluctuates between 25 degrees this morning to about 30 degrees in the afternoon to about 19 degrees at night!  Brrr…mighty cold for people from Hawai’i!

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