Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 2-6

Screen Shot 2015-11-01 at 12.18.06 PMWow!  Time is sure flying by…it’s already November and Trimester #1 is securely in the history books!  So much have been accomplished since the start of school…teamwork, FISH! philosophers, growth mindsetters, and much learning!  Time sure flies when we are having fun together!

Here’s the week at a glance…

Mon., Nov. 2-Day 1:  Substitute in class…all Gr. 3-5 teachers at a math training today.  Please køkua Mrs. Enos as she will be in class today.

Tues., Nov. 3-Day2: IXL Skills L.11-13 and C.13 due today

Our 5B FISH! will be participating in Operation Christmas Child again this year to køkua other keiki in our world who are not as privileged as we are.  Please help by sending small donation that would fit in a shoe box to class.  Mahalo in advance to helping to make our world a better place for all children! 

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