Ohana Alert for the Last Week of March


This is the last week before our capstone project- Makawalu Hilo on April 1st and 2nd!  So little time, much work to do!…Reminder that all feature articles were due BEFORE spring break, if you did not turn it in, please do so (its late).

Mon. & Tues., March 24 & 25- Day 1 & 2:  Working on all things Makawalu Hilo!  Interactive activities, newscasts, printing final feature articles, etc…  Bring all iPads FULLY CHARGED!  

Wed., Mar. 26- NO SCHOOL! Prince Kūhīo Day Holiday  – Plan on homework today 🙂  If you are one of the 8 5B FISH!  who are preparing to return to school tomorrow, your feature article will be printed upon your return.  Bring your interactive activity to class in final form.  (We discussed this prior to going on spring break 🙂 Visitors should be able to scan a qr code and learn more information on the feature article topic OR about the legend it connects to OR be able to do an activity.  Email me with your questions, if any. 🙂  Hope you had a “magical” time at the Magic Kingdom! 

Thurs., Mar. 27-Day 3:  Science Chemistry Demo at 9:25am @ Keaka play courtwith Dr. Lang and Dr. Showalter from the University of Wisconsin… All interactive activities for project must be completed today.

Fri., Mar. 28-Day 4:  Itʻs Aloha Friday AND A L O H A Wear Day!  Great opportunity to not come to school with your uniforms!  Donʻt forget!

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