Ohana and Student Alert for the Week of Nov. 25-29


Student Message for the Week of Nov. 25-29 from KSH Kula Ha’aha’a on Vimeo.


Students:  Click on the message above! Trying new ways to use Buddy Poke app on our blog…still have tons of learning to do, canʻt wait to talk with Sarah who can make her buddy clap and bow.

Screen Shot 2013-11-23 at 12.54.12 PMFor 5B Ohana,

Hereʻs the week at a glance for Nov. 25-29…can you believe it, its already the last week of November!  Can you hear the jingle bells? 🙂  Please send in those ipad agreement forms,  the faster we get all forms in, the students will be able to take home their ipads! 🙂

Mon. Nov. 25-Day 1:  K-5 Thanksgiving Convocation at Lunalilo Hale.  Please remind students to wear mandatory dress whites today. I will be out today at an all day tech training, a sub will be in class.

Tues., Nov. 26-Day 2:  Christian Education with Miss Shonnie

Wed., Nov. 27-Day 3: Aloha Wear Day…please remind keiki to wear aloha wear as I would want to take a photo to update our class blog header.  We will be having Trimester Awards Assembly today at Lunalilo Hale beginning at 7:45am.  Today is also Flu Shot/Nasal spray day.  Birthday celebration for our November babies will be during lunch!

Thurs. & Fri., Nov. 28-29: THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY…No School. I can taste the homemade pumpkin pie already!  Enjoy your time with family and friends.  I am so thankful and blessed to be able to work with such wonderful children and ohana like you all!  Have a great long weekend!

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