Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 18-22


Hey Class…Itʻs great to be back in warm weather, donʻt think Iʻll ever complain about being cold in our class A/C or Hilo weather again! 🙂  I missed seeing snow fall (Mrs. Pai was there, Iʻll try to get a photo from her) by a few hours, but did NOT miss the cold!  We arrived just in time for a cold snap…It was 31 degrees at times, even my fingernails froze and flew off!  heehee! It was a great learning experience and canʻt wait to share the info with all of you!  Sorry Lehia, couldnʻt find any rocks in the city, but have some treats to share with all of you!  Check out my latest Gami above…hoping youʻll be making your own on Monday, if IT had the opportunity to download the app for your ipads! 🙂

Kumu Kaleo

Kumu Kaleo enjoying the snowfall!


Parents, Hereʻs the week at a glance…

Mon., Nov. 18-Day 4: Weʻre gonna be “App-Smashing” in class.  Ask your keiki what that is after school! The students and I will be working on our final preparations to share learning at Student-Led Conferences at the end of this week.  Iʻll be sending home a reminder today with students of your conference day/time…check those backpacks 🙂

Just a friendly reminder…student led conferences will be a little different this year. Our 5B conferences will be held in Keaka Playcourt office.  The students will be in school all day, both days participating in enrichment learning during that time, but will be excused to meet us for the scheduled conference time then return to more learning when conference is done.  The conferences are 30 minutes long and students are preparing to share their manaʻo with you.  Thank you in advance for partnering to help students strive to thrive!  See you soon!

Great quote in Boston!

Great quote in Boston!


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