Mini iPad Summit in 5B-Kula Ha’aha’a Style

imageHi Again, After you participated in YOUR mini ipad summit in our classroom…share your new mana’o on one or more apps that you learned about with Ms. Richardson!  She introduced you to/shared how to use a number of different apps the last 2 days.  Don’t forget to name the app you will be sharing your thoughts on!  Can’t wait to read all about what you thought about it.

NOTE:  The iPad Summit that I am at is very similar to what you did in class with Ms. Richardson…here’s how it is similar:

I go to different sessions (like classes) throughout the day with expert instructors who share their thoughts, lessons, or classroom ideas.  Now I’m trying to plan how to use the new information that I learned.

Updated*NOTE: Thanks Lehia for the correction, teamwork!  Glad we’re a team that you can help me to correct my errors on blog posts.  I corrected the title 🙂


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