Hoʻomaikaʻi to Dayanee and Karl

What does it take to become a Hāweo Awardee this trimester?  Well, you surely need to be a responsible student as the Hawaiian value is kuleana.  Dayanee and Karl do a great job of turning in all work, but most importantly, their kuleana doesnʻt stop there!  We discussed in class about the bigger kuleana of being Hawaiian.  Congrats to our Hāweo awardees for the month October!



**Students:  What is your kuleana?  Write a short paragraph.  Think of our class discussions and assignment on Project Kuleana, the video you watched, etc…then ponder, reflect, and type a thoughtful comment! Check back this afternoon to watch the video that Candace and crew are making to showcase one assignment on kuleana!  Talk of teamwork…I took the photos, cropped it and the students took over with their techie expertise and created the video.  Weʻre having a “student led tutorial” for the teacher! 🙂  I love it when we all learn from each other! Donʻt you?

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