FISH! Swim for Genre Gold!

Latest Genre Gold Members!

Latest Genre Gold Members!

After a whole trimester of exploring new genres and striving to read 9 different genres, I am proud to announce that 19 out of our 24 FISH! have attained Genre Gold status!  Thatʻs 79% of the class.  That is the highest percentage achieved by any of my classes of 5th graders since I have been here at Kamehameha School-Kula Haʻahaʻa!  They now hold the record!  The present “school of FISH!” have already read a total of 280 books as a team!  That is a combined total of 10,000,000  words!  Weʻre not stopping there, this team has re-evaluated their goals and revised it…they are going to strive for 100% of the team meeting the 9 genres for trimester #2!  Keep on READING!  Like Uncle Richard Ha said, “Donʻt think no can, think CAN!  He also said, “What about the rest?”  Well, check out the book recommendations that are flowing in as the team makes suggestions on just the right book to kōkua each other!   Students:  1) Share what you have learned or gained due to having the requirement to read from 9 different genres in a trimester.  2) Explain what you plan to do this trimester to meet or exceed the 9 genres.  (This will be completed in class.)

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E hana pūalu kākou!  Together, WE Can!

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