Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 4-8: Focus-Piccollage App

Created by Ryzen using Piccollage app

Created by Ryzen using Piccollage app

November is upon us!  Hereʻs the week at a glance for all…

Before you start jotting things down on your calendar, wanted to share with you some of the things students are doing with iPads in the classroom, not only for assignments, but for fun too!  The students have been using the Piccollage app for a few weeks now.  I shared the

Piccollage App

Piccollage App

basics on using the apps and they have come up with many more ways to use it, as well as tricks. The students have taken over the instruction using this app by sharing their manaʻo with the class in “mini-ʻtutorials!” The student revise the basic uses of this app and have incorporated their own ideas to take it to the next level.  (Bloomʻs Taxonomy-Create-which is the highest level of learning).  Piccollage is a user-friendly app that you too can capture your memories too & a whole lot more and the best part, it is FREE.  See what Ryzen did for fun in just a few minutes to document the moment as we all got ready for the Halloween parade.  Students:  Write a full paragraph review of the Piccollage app.  Would you recommend it or not?  Explain your answer and share proof/evidence on how you use it, can use it, AND what you wish it could do.  Please be thoughtful so those who read your comments will learn from it!  This will be done in class on Monday.

Mon., Nov. 4-Day 1:  **NOTE:  Students had assigned Student-Led conference date/time stapled to planner on Friday…I look forward to seeing you again soon!  I sent out a group email to all of you regarding our new procedures on conferencing on Friday also.  If you DID NOT receive it, please send an updated email contact with your child tomorrow.  🙂  Students will be working on their projects that connect to our huakaʻi to Hamakua Spring Farms.  Hereʻs a conversation starter…ask about the topic he/she self-selected to further their learning.  All of the topic areas have a connection to or an extension from our huakaʻi!

Tues., Nov. 5-Day 2:  Christian Education with Miss Shonnie.  Hāweo Award Luncheon today…Congrats to Dayanee and Karl, our 5B awardees for the month of October! 🙂

Wed., Nov. 6-Day 3: The students will be watching the preview show of “South Pacific” today.  Our own Miss Ehulani will be showcasing her talents & representing Kula Haʻahaʻa students on stage with students across our campus.

Thurs., Nov. 7-Day 4:  Library with Kumu Kanani…please bring in your library books to avoid a late return fee!

Fri., Nov. 8-Day 5:  Students will be participating in Makahiki, a joint effort of Hawaiian class with Kumu Crabbe (to learn cultural protocol) and P.E. with Mrs. Lee (to learn the actual games played during this time).


Mon., Nov. 11-Veteranʻs Day Holiday-NO SCHOOL!  I will also be flying out Monday night to attend an iPad Summit in Boston, MA with a group of KS teachers!  I look forward to learning a ton of new things and bringing it back to our classroom!

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Tues-Fri:  Mrs. James will be subbing in class this week while I am in BOSTON!  I HOPE to update the blog during that time so you can get a glimpse of that great city too!  May even run into “Big Papi” celebrating the 2013 big WIN in the World Series!  The expected temperature is in the low 30ʻs with a possibility of snow! Yikes!  Everyone say Hawaiian snow people???

Thurs., Nov. 14-Day 2: Guidance with Mr. Kudo

Fri., Nov. 15-Day 3:  Nā Koa Reward Day.  Parents, please be on the lookout for what kind of day it will be.  Look for flyers or ask your child if Student Council members have informed them…Sorry as of this post time, I donʻt have information on it and may not get if prior to flying off to Boston.

See ya on Nov. 18th!



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