Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 28-Nov. 1

Teaming for Excellence

Teaming for Excellence

Itʻs the last week of October…get those calendars out! The students have been hard at work utilizing ipads as the key to diving into new learning!  They communicate, collaborate, and show their creativity…

KEEP READING!  The trimester is ending SOON!

Mon., Oct. 28-Day 3: Papa ʻElima haumāna go on huakaʻi to Hamakua Springs Farm in Pepeekeo. Some of the learning highlights will be about sustainability,  moʻolelo of Hilo Paliku, and how a farm operates.  Please be in school on time as we will be leaving school at 8:05am.  We will return in time for lunch at school!  Please watch the weather, bring a jacket  if needed.  Uniform dress code applies, please dress for a regular school day!  Fire Safety guides are DUE today to Mrs. Lee.  Please complete in entirety!

Tues., Oct. 29-Day 4:  I will be out today…Mrs. James will be subbing for me as I will be Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 8.31.15 PMattending an all day meeting.

Wed., Oct. 30-Day 5:  Last day to submit vocabulary for book completion.  9 genres! Itʻs birthday celebration day today at lunch!  Hauoli la hanāu to our October FISH!

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Thurs., Oct. 31-Day 6:  1st Trimester officially ENDS!  Halloween parade today after lunch!  Please follow the guidelines sent home.  Remember, only make up that you can put on YOURSELF is allowed and must be washed off prior to the end of the day.  Halloween potluck party in our class.  We would appreciate any donations that you can contribute.  Donʻt forget to have fun all your spooktacular FISH!  Be safe, carry a flashlight, donʻt eat too too much candy, and laugh a lot!

Fri., Nov. 1:  NO SCHOOL…Faculty Work Day!  Have a nice long weekend! See ya on Monday!

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Here comes November!

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