Meet the Newest Genre Gold Inductees

Genre Gold Inductees!

Genre Gold Inductees!

Great job guys!  Meet our newest inductees into our Genre Gold Club!  The boys, Suli, Brock, and Karl have reached our team genre goal of completing their 9th genre for the trimester.  It can be done if we continue to swim strong and hoʻomau!  They used their fall break time to get the job done!  Keep reading team, the boys are living proof that it can be done!  Look forward to more of you attaining your genre goal soon…remember, always hilinaʻi…BELIEVE!  I believe in you!  Stay tuned as more FISH! swim to genre gold!

Swim Strong, Kaʻu Iʻa!

Swim Strong, Kaʻu Iʻa!


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