
Screen Shot 2013-09-15 at 9.05.53 AMHereʻs a conversation starter for you…

The students and I are reading a book called “Wonder” by RJ Palacio together in class.  This book is about a character named Auggie who is starting school for the first time ever in 5th grade.  He has a medical condition that prevented him from attending school sooner.  The book has the FISH! “Hooked!”…The students actually beg to continue reading!  Gotta love great books!  Ask your keiki about what he/she is reading as a class and what independent choices he/she is making to reach the 9 genre goal for the trimester as well as the 1,000,000 word goal for the year!  You can help at home by encouraging your keiki by to select books of interest, discussing books & even sharing what you liked to read as a 5th grader, and reminding that our class is chock full of the great books that span all the genres.  Donʻt forget that 30 minutes of reading is assigned nightly M-Th.  Your signature confirms that he/she has read for that time period.  Thanks for partnering with me to instill the love of books in all our FISH!

Hereʻs a sneak peek into our class book…scan the QR code below to watch a short video.


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