Ohana Alert for the Week of Aug.19-23

Hereʻs our UPCOMING week!

Heerreeeʻs our UPCOMING week!

Tahdaah…and Heeeere it is!  Get those calendars out, hereʻs the week at a glance…

*MAP Testing for grade 5 will be on Monday and Tuesday this week.

 Tips for Testing Days:  

1) Sign planners, get homework ready and pack bags the night before 🙂  2) Get a good nights sleep the night before 3) Eat a good breakfast the day of testing to fuel the fire to keep your brain ablaze 4) Come to school on time 5)  Choose to make it a GREAT DAY!

Mon., Aug. 19-Day 3: MAP Pre Test in Reading today.  Substitute in class.  I will be at an all day meeting on campus.  Pilina (to build relationships) Picnic Flyer going home today, please join Papa ʻElima  for a lunch period picnic at 11:00-11:45am on Fri., Aug. 23rd.  Bring a home lunch for you and your keiki and launa aloha (friendly association, fellowship) with the whole 5th grade team! 

Tues., Aug. 20-Day 4: MAP Pre Test in Math today.

Wed., Aug. 21-Day 5: Vision Testing today

Fri., Aug. 23-Day 1:  Aloha Wear Day and 5th Grade Pilina Picnic at 11:00am.  Please check in with Aunty B for your visitor pass before joining us at our classroom.  Home lunch needed for ALL students today. 🙂

Parent FYI for the Following Week:  ʻAha ʻŌpio campaigning week…see guidelines handed out to students by Kumu Marcie for details.



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