The FISH! are Off and Swimming into the New School Year!


The newest FISH! at after our Welcome Back Assembly!

The newest FISH! at after our Welcome Back Assembly!

Welcome e nā haumāna a me nā 5B Ohana!  I am so excited to have you join the 5B team!  It has been a wonderful start and I look forward to a great journey of learning, adventure, and amazement, all filled with a lot of smiles, laughter, and FUN!  The first 3 days of school were a blur as the new FISH! learn to swim strong in 5B!  As the saying goes, time flies when youʻre having fun!  We have been getting acquainted, learning our rituals and routines, about FISH! Philosophy and Teamwork, as well as Morning Meeting.  They already are learning about “Kahiau” as they assisted Mrs. Nihipaliʻs Kindergarteners to the bus stop at the end of the day.  Hereʻs a look at their smiling faces!  Just click the link below to “dive” in! **Once in animoto, click on the full screen and enjoy!

The 5B FISH! Begin to Swim!.

To Our 5B Ohana,

Our class blog is a great way for you to keep up with the latest happenings in our classroom.  For you to “dive in” and “catch” a glimpse of what we are learning.  I usually have new posts for you (and the students) to look at every 2 days or so…sometimes even daily 🙂  I understand there are so much that goes on in an ohana once the end of the day school bell rings, but would welcome you to check out our blog at least every Sunday evening.  On Sundays, I do a blog post called “Ohana Alert.”  This post shares upcoming important info for the week ahead.  Youʻll see things like swimming clothes reminders, reminders of due dates for forms that need to be returned, or upcoming special events…. I welcome you to hit the “comment” button under any post to add your manaʻo!  The students and I love to read comment!  Again, welcome to our team, I look forward to meeting you all at Open House or drop by the class if youʻre on campus!  A Hui Hou!

P.S.  Heads Up…If something appears in pink, it is a “call to action” for students.  That indicates that they need to complete something.  Hereʻs a conversation starter for you…ask your keiki about NO CLASSROOM RULES IN 5B!  Hint: Ask about the FISH! Philosophy! 🙂  I lā maikaʻi!

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