Ohana Alert for the Week of May 6-10

"Marching On" to the end of our Elementary journey!

“Marching On” to the end of our Elementary journey!

Hereʻs the week at a glance, donʻt blink…the weeks are flying by…we are now down to the last 3!  We are surely swimming strong now as the year comes to a close, no time to breathe easy just yet!

Mon., May 6-Day 4: Alakaʻi Iʻa swim upstream today!  The students will be going to Kula Waena (Middle School) for a brief orientation.  They will be meeting their future Papa ʻEono teachers, their new Principal Mr. Scott DeSa, Vice Principal Mr. Jay Chow, as well as taking a tour of the campus led by middle school tour guides!  Mrs. Cathy Moran, who will be their counselor next year will be also speaking with them.  Prepare for summer homework from the middle school teachers!

Tues., May 7-Day 5: MAP Testing in Reading today.  Donʻt forget to get a good nightʻs sleep and plan on eating a good breakfast!  Hāweo Award luncheon today!  Hoʻomaikaʻi to Tab and Aleiya for leading the way and always putting their teammates first!  Great example of always kokua…ing the team!  Weʻll have only the 2nd half of Technology specials today.

Wed., May 8-Day6: MAP Testing in Math today.  Weʻll have an adjusted time for Art Specials today…9-9:45am and our regular time for the 2nd half.

Screen Shot 2013-05-03 at 6.26.40 PMThurs., May 9-Day 1:  There will be a substitute in class today.

Fri., May 10-Day 2:  Teacher Appreciation Day!  AND I SURE DO APPRECIATE YOU!!!! Cannot say it enough how I have been blessed to have such a wonderful class with wonderful supportive ohana in our team this year!  What a year!  Canʻt believe it is already May!  Substitute in class today too, but promise, will be back on Mon., May 13th.

Heads up for Monday, May 13th…we go on our last huakaʻi to Onekahakaha to do our community service learning project…to help to beautify the beach area of the Honu demigod!  We will be returning to school in time for lunch.  More info will be given to students by May 8th.

ATTENTION PARENTS**Our annual Hoʻoulu Transition Ceremony will be on THURSDAY, May 23RD, please save the date to join us at Lunalilo Hale as the FISH! earn the right of passage to the next level of learning!  Exact time to be announced at a later date, but it will be between 8-10am.   This is a wonderful CULTURAL ceremony that celebrates Papa Alakaʻiʻs  achievements in education and NOT a graduation…please save the inner tubes, balloons, crowns, and leis up to the top of their heads for 12th grade.  (Or any other creative expressions seniors do now)  Mahalo in advance for your cooperation in making this cultural event special!  A lei or 2 would be great, but letʻs keep in mind the larger meaning.  

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