FISH! Food for Thought #9: 19,999 and Counting!

Here's the proof!

Here’s the proof!

Good Evening Haumåna,

Can you believe it?  We are one “hit” away from the BIG 20,000 visitors to our class blog!  I find it very interesting to know that that many people dove into our “fishbowl” in the past year and a half.  We’ve had visitors from many foreign countries too.  When I look at the Cluster Map, I wonder what 5th grade students in Japan learn about, or if students in Great Britain study where their roots are (wahi pana), or if students from the Philippines have wise sayings like we have ‘olelo noe’au from our kupuna.  What do the students who live near Mt. Rushmore think about the National Park?  I have so many questions…Do you think they “wonder” about our culture too?

What do YOU “wonder” about when you look at the photo with our “hit counters?”  Share your wonders by posting a comment!  Have a great evening!  See you tomorrow!  Don’t forget, test in math M, M, M, and R!

**Haumāna:  Due to technical difficulties…this assignment was not clear.  The above post was done last night, but the actual assignment was revised in class after our Morning Meeting sharing time…You need to post 3 wonders about Hilo Hanakahi.  I will allow you to post tomorrow morning on Hilo Hanakahi if you already posted your wonders to the hit counter or vice versa.  You need to post wonders to BOTH the hit counter post as well as wonders for the huakaʻi to Hilo Hanakahi.  Hope this clears up the confusion!  Donʻt forget to study for the MMMR test that WILL be tomorrow.  We postponed it due to the change in Guidance lesson schedule.  🙂  Looking on the glass “half full” side, you have one more night to review your notes. 🙂

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