Wealthy in 5B!

So Rich! Genre Gold and Millionaire!

Today was a very profitable day! 5B became R-I-C-H! Genre Gold and Millionaire all on the same day! Hoʻomaikaʻi to Keawe for completing his 30th book today! As soon as he was done presenting, he looked over to me and said, “I AM going for the TWO Million now!” Wow! Stickers were not even on the board and he was already setting new goals for himself! Yippee for Travis too! Travis completed his 9 genre goal for Trimester #2 today! With weeks to spare! So wealthy we are in 5B….BOOK Wealthy that is! Looking forward for more of my Kaʻu Iʻa attaining their self-set reading goals for this trimester! Cheer your keiki on! **NOTE: Send home a Reading Update for Trimester #2 Goals this past week, please remind haumāna not to save presentations until the last week…time may run out! Keep on reading FISH! Continue to Swim Strong!

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