OHANA ALERT: Ohana FISH! Food for Thought! #1: Got iPad?

Unlocking the door to the 21st Century

Aloha Kakou e nå 5B a me Kula Haʻahaʻa Ohana,

Let me begin by saying MAHALO for continuing to support our blog!  This has become a great way to share information & upcoming events, share the learning that is going on in our 5B FISH!bowl,  celebrate student successes, as well as build pilina within our class, school, community, and world!  It is also a wonderful way for us (ohana and I) to STAY connected between our conferences AND it allows you to share your valuable mana’o with us from anywhere that you have connectivity!

As our Kula prepares to embark on a wonderful new way to learn with our global society, we take a giant leap into the 21st century learning. We hope to have iPads in the future at our Kula. I humbly ask for your assistance by sharing your mana’o on iPads. What do you think the benefits to having iPads in the hands of Keiki? How would it help students here? What do you see them doing with it? What would you hope they do with it? Do you see any setbacks? Got any other iPad manaʻo? Please share your thoughts on iPads in the classroom with us!
**NOTE: Warning: I did mention 😉 to the students if they could ask you to please share your manaʻo on a blog post over the weekend. They were all for it! (Wink,Wink!) I mahalo you for helping us by sharing your thoughts…a sentence, a couple of sentences, a paragraph or two, no books please! Hoʻo Laulima (Many hands working together, joint effort)…T-E-A-M-W-O-R-K!  (Mahalo Keawe for letting me know that we need to put this word on our wall because it describes 5B)


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